Page 70 of Deadly Sins
The thought made her stomach churn. She didn’t want anyone’s pity, least of all Fenn’s. She wanted… well, she wasn’t quite sure what she wanted anymore.
But she knew one thing for certain. She couldn’t let Hawk win. She couldn’t let his evil destroy everything she’d worked so hard to build.
She had to be strong, had to find a way to pick up the pieces and move forward.
Even if it meant leaving her heart behind.
The helicopter banked sharply to the left, and Kate gripped the armrest, her knuckles turning white. Bridger glanced over at her, his brow furrowed in concern.
“You sure you’re okay?” he asked, his voice tinny over the headset.
Kate nodded, forcing a smile. “Yeah, just lost in thought.”
Bridger chuckled, the sound warm and reassuring. “Well, don’t get too lost. I need my copilot to keep me on track.”
Despite herself, Kate felt a genuine smile tug at the corners of her mouth. Bridger had a way of doing that, of making her feel like everything would be okay, even when the world was falling apart around her.
Maybe she could find a way through this, a way to come out the other side stronger and better than before.
Maybe there was still hope.
Even in the darkness.
Fenn stoodin Burl’s small office at the Endurance airport, his body still chilled to the bone after the high-speed snowmobile ride back to the settlement. He and Mason hadn’t seen any signs of Steele or Consortium pursuit during their return, but the adrenaline lingered, keeping him on edge. He tried not to shiver, the movement aggravating his bruised ribs. The bullet to the chest had left him feeling like he’d been hit by a sledgehammer.
He glanced around the room, noticing the absence of his temporary posse. “Where are my guys?” he asked, his brow furrowing.
Graham looked up from tending to Kate’s injured shoulder. “Apparently there are a couple jail cells in the back of the market. They headed off to lock Jimbo up and then fill their tanks at the Frostbite.” He shrugged. “I told them we’d be over in a few.”
Fenn nodded, his gaze drifting to Bridger and Mason, who stood in the hangar. Bridger spoke up, his voice carrying across the space. “Jimbo wasn’t hard to interrogate. Guy’s not Consortium. Looks like Steele hired him to play spy.”
Fenn considered that, his mind racing through the implications. “The Consortium will want him erased. No way they leave loose ends.”
Tai shook his head, his expression grim. “Copy that. Guy’s going to have to hide somewhere more remote.”
“More remote than Endurance?” Fenn raised an eyebrow.
Tai winced. “I know. Good luck with that, right?”
Silence reigned as the team chewed on that thought. Likely prison stint aside, Jimbo’s future was not looking bright.
Footsteps drew his attention to the office door, where Bridger’s friend, Klein, entered with Paige in tow. Klein, who had loaned Bridger the Airbus helo, teased his friend about the aircraft still looking good. “No scratches. I’m loving that.” He tossed a set of keys to Bridger. “My spare de Havilland’s outside. I just had it waxed. Park it carefully. I’m gonna grab a burger at the Frostbite. Best bacon cheeseburgers in a hundred miles.”
Fenn couldn’t help but ask. “How many burger joints are there in that range exactly?”
Klein paused, thinking for a minute. “Two? No. Wait. Buster’s folded up when the mining company went away. Just the one now.” He waved goodbye and disappeared through the door.
Paige stayed behind, carefully hugging Kate. “You’ve been through it, girl.”
Kate managed a weak smile. “No joke.” She seemed grateful for the female companionship.
Paige turned to Fenn, mouthing the words silently. “Is she good?”
He flashed her the okay sign, his heart aching for Kate. He wanted to help, to take away her pain, but for once, he saw the wisdom in keeping his mouth shut.
Give her space. Give her time. And hope for the best.