Page 66 of Lethal Sins
She had to move things along. Fast.
But Cody clearly had the same idea. He leveled his gun at Jason. “Time to finish this. Him we don’t need.” Then he swung the barrel in her direction. “We do need her blood. But that doesn’t mean we need her alive.”
He had two seconds,at most, once he pulled the trigger.
Cody fixed his gaze on Paige, forcing himself to ignore the hurt and betrayal swimming in her eyes.
The devastation on her face threatened to crack his façade, but he steeled himself against the ache in his chest.
To his right, Jason vibrated with barely contained rage. Given half a chance, Jason would snap his neck.
He let his eyes go cold, his expression hardening into the mask of the assassin he was pretending to be. The gun felt like lead in his hand as he raised his arm, aiming with deadly precision.
The old man shifted uneasily, his earlier bravado faltering in the face of Cody’s cold efficiency. “Quit fooling around, Tanner,” he snapped, a tremor betraying his nervousness. “What’s your plan?”
Cody turned slowly, fixing the man with an icy stare that made him flinch. “First, I’m going to clean up your mess.”
He swung the gun back toward Jason and pulled the trigger. The gunshot cracked through the air.
Jason’s eyes widened in shock. The shot to the shoulder spun the big man around before he fell hard on his side.
“No!” Paige yelled.
He blocked out the heartbreaking cry and aimed straight at her.
Her eyes locked with his, a mixture of disbelief and something else—was it understanding?—flashing across her face in the split second before he pulled the trigger.
The second shot echoed off the walls. The impact threw her backwards. Her body hit the ground with a dull thud.
The smell of gunpowder filled his nostrils as he lowered the weapon. He fought to keep his breathing steady, to maintain the cold, detached persona he’d spent so many years creating. Tanner killed without emotion. Without fear or regret.
But inside, a storm raged. He’d done what needed to be done. Played his part to perfection. Now came the hard part—seeing this through to the end, no matter the cost.
Inside, he was screaming, desperate to check on Paige and Jason. But he couldn’t. Not yet. The old man and his thugs were still watching. Still waiting.
He had to sell this. He fingered his weapon, pretending the move was a nervous gesture. The tranq darts wouldn’t work quickly enough to take down all three of them. He’d have to improvise. “So that takes care of your loose ends. Now, let’s discuss how we’re going to clean up the rest of this mess.”
The old man nodded, visibly relaxing. He eyed Paige’s body, a greedy glint in them. “What about the girl’s blood? We need a sample. Do you have a vial or something?”
Cody’s jaw clenched, revulsion rolling through him. He forced a casual shrug. “The cleanup crew will handle that. They’re equipped for sample collection. The sample’s got to be uncontaminated.”
The old man frowned. “Fine. But make sure they know it’s top priority.”
“You think?”
He needed to get them out fast. The tranq ammo wouldn’t keep Paige and Jason down for long. He could already see the faintest twitch of Jason’s fingers.
He turned his back and pretended to check his phone. “Perfect. The techs are a block away. You and your men hit the roof. Make sure there’s no sign of the opposition. I want to get in and out of here clean.”
The older man rubbed his chin. “Okay, but I was thinking?—”
“I’m not interested in what you’re thinking.” Cody stared the man down. “Do. It.”
The man backed away. “Okay. Okay.”
Cody curled his hand around the butt of his gun. His timing would have to be perfect. Better than perfect.