Page 23 of Mated into the Mob
“It won’t make sense.” My dad took over again, placing his hands on Tony’s upper arms. “But trust me, if your father were here, he would say, “Follow Flint’s advice.”
“That’s easy for you to say.” He maneuvered away from us toward the window. “He’s been dead for more than twenty years and can’t speak for himself.”
Dad tore out of the room and returned with the photo I’d removed from the wall. He tapped a nail at Anthony. “This is your father, this is me, my mate, and his father. And this is Flint taken beside a special flame tree in the woods.” He flipped the photo over, revealing our names scrawled on the back.
“But it says Anthony! His… his n-name was Antonio.” The fork Tony clutched shattered.
“He was Antonio Oakes at home, but his real name was Anthony. Anthony Oakley.”
Tony took the photo, his trembling hands gripping the old wooden frame, and a tear dripped onto the glass. “Youwerefriends.” He pulled the old tattered pic from the pocket of his robe and compared the two.
“I hear what I imagine to be his voice in my head, telling me to trust you. It’s not a good idea to listen to imaginary voices, but here goes.” He slid the robe down.
“Close your eyes.” Dad held his hand and put Tony’s head on his chest. I hated that he didn’t understand what I was about to do or who I was inside.
I hesitated, my hands on my mate’s warm flesh, and wondered if the primary motive wasmyand my family’s safetyandmystatus as Alpha I was protecting. Perhaps a smidge if I was honest, but my desire to protect my mate outweighed everything else. In my head and heart, it was all Tony, all the time.
I could give up being Alpha. Grandpa left his birth pack and thrived. We had enough family money tucked away that me, my brothers, Dad, and Uncle could leave, start anew someplace else.
My wolf’s claws extended from my fingers as Dad put his head close to Tony’s and whispered, “It’s going to be okay.” Tony’s body jolted when my beast’s teeth made contact with his skin, and he yelped when they dug into his flesh. Dad mopped up the trickle of blood with the dish towel.
“Mate,” I mouthed to Dad.
He nodded. “Now he’s family,” he mouthed back.
“What’s going on?” Tony opened his eyes, my face the first thing he saw before he glanced at my dad. He twisted his head and examined the wound on his shoulder. “Is this like a cult thing? A ritual of some sort.”
“Not a cult.” My dad hugged my mate and drew me into his embrace. “My loves.”
Tony eyed us both. “What’s with the my loves thing?” He reared away from me while Dad held him.
“Do you feel like you’re on a ship and haven’t found your sea legs?” Dad asked.
“No. I’m fine.” Tony mumbled as he looked up at me. “What’s with that smile?” He pulled a face. “You’re being more weird than usual. That grin is warm and velvety, and I don’t like it. And please explain why you wounded me!” His voice rattled as it rose.
“I’ll explain, but first, you’re both coming with me.”
“Are you sure?” Rudy shook his head at his son.
Flint raked his hands through his dark hair, the snake tat slithering between the dark strands. “He can’t not appear.”
My gaze swiveled from Rudy to Flint. They were discussing me but in a secret language. I understood the words but not the meaning.
“You either go alone or you show yourself to him.” Rudy patted his son’s folded arms. “But there will be consequences no matter what you choose. ”
“Can someone tell me what’s going on?” I was ready to stamp my foot to get attention. “Show me what?” They’d already torn my skin which was ouchy at first, but the pain faded and blended with something else that I pushed to the back of my mind.
Flint stood in front of me, and I raised my head to meet his gaze. Those dark eyes with their mesmerizing almost hypnotic power making me think of him not as my kidnapper but as… as someone else. Once I was back in the basement, I’d puzzle it out after a long nap.
“There’s a problem.”
“I figured that.” I rubbed my shoulder. “And will someone explain what this was about?”
“Not now” He steered me toward the basement. “You need to get dressed.”