Page 34 of Mated into the Mob
“I’m not looking for those.”
“Okay,” he said so softly I almost didn’t make out the words.
He stood, clad only in his briefs, and I wanted to chant, “Take them off. Take them off,” but I couldn’t wrap my head around why he was doing this.
“I won’t touch you,” he said.
I gulped, wondering what hewasgoing to do, but he slid his underwear over his thighs, and I leaped to my feet, a fist in my mouth as his huge dick bounded out and pointed at me. It wasa thing of beauty, pink and hard and nestled in a patch of dark curly hair.
What was I supposed to do with that? Look away? Tell him how gorgeous it was? Stroke it? Run like hell? Maybe all of the above?
But the pink dick vanished along with anything that resembled Flint or a human being. There were big pointed ears, fur, a snout, and a tail. Not a dog but a wolf. A magnificent gray, white, and black wolf. This was the creature he’d shown me in the car to scare me, shut me up, or both.
I rubbed my eyes with my fists, but the wolf was still there. I blinked. Nope, still there. “Can you speak?” If this was a fairytale come to life, we could have a chat.
But the creature padded toward me, and I backed up until my legs bashed into the log. “Don’t come any closer.” I waggled a finger at the wild animal. While I didn’t know how to fend off a wolf, I was pretty sure waving a finger in its face wasn’t it.
My head was crammed with ideas, images of Flint from my dreams and the wolf’s fangs which were dripping with saliva.
“Flint,” I called. “Come back. I’ve seen enough. I need you. There’s a big bad wolf.”
The wolf snarled. “Okay, he’s not bad, he’s just a big oversized puppy who wants to play.”
The wolf nodded and vanished, the fur whizzing past my face as the animal turned into Flint. Human brains weren’t prepared for people who became animals, and I couldn’t fathom what or who he was. The only reference I had was a werewolf.
No! He was never going to kill me but turn me instead.
“I thought your kind only appeared at the full moon.”
He took a step toward me, hand outstretched, his cock still at attention. “I’m not a werewolf. They don’t exist.”
“Ha!” There was rustling in the bushes caused by my shriek and more birds took off. “You turned into a wolf and I’msupposed to believe you about werewolves. Also, stay back. I don’t want to be bitten.”
Shoot. The bite on my shoulder. I rubbed it.
“It’s too late. You already did.”
Icaught him as he sagged and his eyes rolled back in his head.
Fuck! Now he’d seen my beast—or both beasts if I counted the one in my pants—but we were no closer to finding each other because he thought I bayed at the moon and turned into a predator once a month.
My wolf didn’t understand werewolves and urged me to look after Tony.
Luckily the household staff were still on vacation ‘cause I’d extended their holiday beyond this week. I hadn’t wanted them to remove Tony’s scent, and I needed to be alone when I was at home.
I pulled on my briefs, slung on the holster, and flung the remaining clothes over my shoulder before scooping Tony up and striding back to the house.
I placed him in my bed on the second floor, and he stirred, though he didn’t open his eyes. After pulling on a robe, I heated up chicken soup and brought it to the bedroom. I stood away from the bed with my back to the window, not wanting to scare him by being in his face when he opened his eyes.
My wolf sensed Tony was awake before I did.
His heart is beating rapidly, and he’s sweating.
My mate jerked his eyes open and stared around the room.