Page 42 of Mated into the Mob
I shivered and raised one leg, hoping he was going to put his cock in me again.
“But do eggs count as soft? I’ve made some.”
“Didn’t know you could cook.”
“I’m a man of many talents.”
Damn, he ruined the moment and brought up my dilemma. There was Flint, the alpha who I adored. Could I use that word? Yeah, I could. But I freaking adored only one side of him.
I rolled over, and he pulled me close, our cocks pressed together while he nibbled the soft skin on my throat and kissed the scar on my shoulder; my mating mark. If I’d planned to have a serious discussion, I’d made a huge mistake.
His fingers danced over my skin, twirling around my nipple before using feathery strokes to reach my belly button. He shoved his hand between us and traced lower over my happy trail.
“I’m fine with a bit of fucking before I go home.”
His hand froze. Damn, what had I said? Maybe he objected to me using the word fucking, thinking I was a delicate flower. Nah, I’d disproved that theory the moment we met.
“I have time, but I have to prep for class tomorrow.” I’d missed a week with my so-called accident.
“You can’t.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll say I had a miraculous recovery.” I grabbed his length and spread my legs.
“This is your home now. We’re mated. And you’re the Alpha Omega. Your college days are over.”
My body bristled with anger, and I whacked Flint with a pillow and leaped out of bed, searching for my clothes. “You did not just say that!” I glowered at him as he lay, hands behind his head, reminding me of medieval paintings in an art gallery.
“I believe I did.”
“Two things.” I held up two fingers. “Mated we may be, but I never agreed to any of this or said I’d live in this… this… McMansion.”
“I can have it redecorated. Just tell me how and it’ll be done.”
I flung another pillow at him, but his wolfy reflexes had him catching it. So not fair. I wished there were a way to turn those off. “That’s not the point. You’re making decisions for moi.”
“Moi?” He quirked a brow and smirked.
“You are the most infuriating person I’ve ever met.”
He forked a mouthful of scrambled eggs between his oh so kissable lips. “That’s my line. You can’t have it.”
“And secondly, I’m a grad student, and I intend to graduate.” I put the last word in air quotes. “To do that, I need to attend class sometimes.”
“You’re the Alpha Omega.”
“Does that come with a badge?” I peered under the bed. “Can’t see it.”
Flint lowered his gaze to my cock. Having this discussion would be better if I wasn’t buck-ass naked and my dick wasn’t bobbing about. I grabbed a pillow and stuck it in front of my crotch.
“Now I’ll have some of those eggs and I’ll mosey on home.” I’d never agreed to live with him or even be his mate, though waking up beside him every morning would be a perk. One tick in the yay column. “We can talk later and come up with a plan.”
“You’d need a bodyguard at college.”
“I’ve managed to survive this far all by myself. I do not need a nanny.”
“Oh yeah? How’d that work out at the club? Huh? Huh? You almost got your head blown off.”
“By you!” Grrrr! “A slight miscalculation.” I stomped into the attached bathroom and paused. Sometime in the last few hoursbetween our fucking sessions, I’d stumbled in to pee, but my eyes must have been closed. I could live in here. It was freaking enormous.