Page 51 of Mated into the Mob
He put his head against my bump. “Your dad just called me a big bad word.”
“Tell me. What are we doing today?”
He wrapped the towel around his hips. “Stuff. Lots and lots of stuff.”
I rolled my eyes. “It’s baby day.”
His slack-jawed expression told me everything I needed to know.
“Not birth-day but buying-everything-baby day.”
“I knew that.”
When we’d agreed to spend a day shopping, Flint had promised it would be about us and our little one. But he’d been so distracted with work, maybe it was better to let him do what he had to.
“What time do we start?” He looked at me in the mirror as he brushed his teeth.
“You don’t have to.” I was sincere, not playing silly games. If he was with me, he couldn’t be on his phone all the time.
He turned around and kissed me with a toothpaste mouth. “I’m all in.”
“Dothey really have to be here?”
We were in the baby section of a large department store, and as well as Flint and myself, there were four hulking bodyguards lurking behind cots and strollers. Flint hated when I used that word, saying shifters never lurked.
“Yes. I won’t change my mind. They stay.”
I didn’t argue. And I couldn’t get annoyed because he was looking out for me and the baby.
“What do you think about this cot?” It was a stunning piece, all white with solid panels at each end and two drawers underneath.
My mate grabbed the bars with both hands. “Looks like a jail.”
I fixed my gaze on him. “Have you ever been in one?” Maybe I should have asked him that earlier in our relationship.
“Visited, yes. As a guest, never.”
A sales person hovered, not saying anything but gazing at my mate as if he wanted to eat him. I grabbed Flint’s arm and planted a kiss on his mouth.
“Mmmm, what was that for?” Flint smacked my ass and pulled me close.
“Can’t I show my mate how much I love him?” I tweaked his butt.
“You can.” He kissed me back. “Are we done?”
“Kissing? As long as you don’t mind, we can kiss more.”
“No, the cot.” He turned to the sales guy and asked the price, before saying, “We’ll take it.”
The guy’s face lit up. Maybe he worked on commission or he thought he’d get our address. That wasn’t happening. Whatever we bought would be delivered to Flint’s office.
“We’re not going anywhere. I have a long list.” I showed my mate the phone.
“Really? They need that? Aren’t they like yay big?” He put his hands about six inches apart.
“Are you messing with me?” I pulled his hands farther apart.
We worked our way through the list. Changing table. Check. Rocking chair. Check. Sofa. Check. Baby monitor. Check. Baby bath. Check. And diapers. Lots of diapers, along with a stroller and a car seat. The sales guy was practically orgasmic every time Flint or I said, “We’ll take it.”