Page 110 of Hide From Me
“What, Zeid? What could you possibly have to say?”
I glared at him, but he was busy looking at shit on his phone, like he had something better to do than listen to me.
“Innocent? Doubtful. She should have needed a shitload of therapy after that whole thing with her father. Instead, she got right back up and finished high school. She went to college, and she somehow never once got freaked out and called the cops with you stalking her ass.”
“Fuck you.”
“Look, all I’m saying is that if you were going to be distracted when you weren’t with us, what was the difference? Maybe we turned a blind eye to your little obsession and it’s fine. But don’t lie to yourself that you have some fucking regrets. You not being honest with us or yourself is how she ended up in this situation,” Zeid said, going back to his phone.
“What the hell does that mean?” I asked.
X answered.
“Look, all he means is that we could have had her better prepared for life as a Spectors—well, whatever she is to you. Right now, she’s defenseless, and judging by the video you got from outside the apartment, she didn’t suspect a thing from the guy.”
Fuck. This was all my damn fault.
“Fine. It’s my fault. When we get her back, we will train her. I won’t let her go.”
I swear I heard Zeid say we know, but it was mumbled, and I was too busy checking my phone again for her location. This all just felt weird.
“That guy didn’t cover his face. It was almost like he didn’t really care who knew he was there.”
Zeid sighed.
“I’m guessing he’s just another PI for hire, only he was better than the last one. He’s doing his job. And he had backup. The gun? Well, he didn’t shoot to hurt anyone.”
Fuck. He was right.
“Just put her in there,”said a male voice. It was older and unfamiliar, but male.
“Sure, just as soon as you hand over the money. She’s been a bitch to track, and I don’t need the fucking trouble that will come my way with this one. Why didn’t you fucking tell us she was a Spector?”
If only I could move my head, this wouldn’t be so frustrating. I had some hope though, as the tingle in my body reminded me of the dentist. Maybe this was that point between drooling on myself and being able to feel my chin.
“She isn’t one of those thugs. Her father was, but she’s just the proof of my daughter’s inability to keep her legs closed. Just put the girl down. I will get your money.”
My head flopped to the side as the guy moved me. He wasn’t exactly rough as he put me down. He almost seemed to sort of have a bit of humanity in him as he stared at me.
“Nothing personal. It’s just business.”
He wasn’t getting anything from me, even if I could speak.
“Your life can’t be too bad if this house is anything.”
The guy turned his back on me and left me with nothing to stare at except his butt or around the room. I flicked my eyes,the only things still working on my body, over the furnishings. A family portrait was visible from the corner of my eye. Maybe there were more, and I couldn’t make out the image well.
“Here’s your money. Thank you for bringing in my long-lost granddaughter.”
The guy snorted.
“Sure. Have a great family reunion. The drugs will wear off soon enough.”
The guy stepped aside and gave me a clear view of the man claiming to be my grandfather. Not what I had expected. His salt and pepper hair, sure. But his eyes weren’t anything like my mother’s. I had to imagine what she looked like before the world had sucked the life out of her. She was beautiful in a starved, stressed, half-crazed sort of way. This guy? He gave me the creeps with the way those eyes seemed to see right through me.