Page 13 of Bound For You
I smile at him and nod, then ask him a question I’ve been dying to know, “What does it mean, what you call me? I would try to say it, but I’d probably make a fool of myself.”
He smirks. “Precious, because that’s what you are to me.”
I blush then stand on my tip toes, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. He smiles. I walk backward a little, and say, “Good night, Sergi.”
He smiles. “’Night,dragotsennyy.”
I turn and walk into my small apartment, then I shut the door and lean on it, smiling.
“Lock up, Avs,” I hear Sergi rumble through the wood, making me jump and blush.
I quickly lock the door, and hear him chuckle. I look through the peephole and watch him leave. I turn away from the door on a sigh, a happy sigh. I press my hand to my stomach, hoping to ease the butterflies, then tense when I feel the scars; the reasonswhy I’ve never been intimate with anyone. Why I’ve never even kissed anyone until Sergi. I feel myself sway a little and I have to hold on to the door.
What will Sergi think if he ever sees them? Will he be disgusted? Will he walk away?
I need to make sure he never finds out about my past, a past that needs to stay buried.
Sergi – Two Months Later
I’m just aboutto leave my place to pick up Avery from school when my door opens. I’m stand just off the kitchen with my wallet in one hand and my keys in the other when a ragged looking Alexandr and a pissed off Damian walk in. I raise my brows at them because they don’t normally show up unannounced. Damian notices me first and furrow his brow.
“It’s not even Sunday, where are you off to?” His voice full of confusion and concern.
I clear my throat, not ready for them to know about Avery. I’m 98% sure that I’ve fallen madly in love with her, and the other 2% is in denial over falling so hard for someone. I always said I wouldn’t let anyone in after I lost my mama, but I guess I never accounted for someone as special as my Avery.
I don’t want to lie to them, I haven’t before, only omitted to the truth, so I state, “Got some errands, what’s going on?” I nod toward Al, who’s looking at me weirdly. I know I’ve been disappearing a lot lately, mainly Sundays, because that’s mine and Avery’s day together; she doesn’t normally work themunless they’re short staffed. Lately I’ve been picking her up whenever I can and taking her to work. She says I don’t have to, but I don’t like the thought of her walking or catching a bus. I know she has a car, an SUV that belonged to her dad, apparently, but she doesn’t like to drive much in New York traffic. I would normally text her when I’m picking her up, but today I thought I’d surprise her; we haven’t seen each other in a few days, and I fucking miss her.
Al slurs, “You cheating on ussss or ssssomething?”
I raise my brows at Damian, because—what the fuck?
I look at Alexandr and ask, “And who exactly am I cheating on you with, brother?” I try to keep my amusement out of my voice but it’s hard; a drunk Alexandr is an entertaining one as far as I’m concerned. Damian snorts and shakes his head.
Al just shrugs. “Maybe the SSSSpanisssssh.”
The Spanish? I tense. They don’t know about Juan, and I know he’s drunk, but still, he’s hit too close to home. I shake my head at him and walk toward them. Damian is holding him up, and I grab his other arm and help him stumble over to my dark brown leather sofa. We lay him down and he starts to snore instantly. I look back to Damian and raise a brow in question.
“Got himself arrested for public indecency and intoxication; had some brunette sucking him off in the middle of Manhattan.” I sigh, running a hand through my hair.
“He needs Phoebe back, hell,I needPhoebe back.” I growl in frustration. He’s drowning and there’s nothing we can do to help him, only my cousin can help him at this point, but we can’t fucking find her. Athena, our grandmother, left her over a hundred million dollars, and she’s used it to disappear.
Damian nods. “I know, but even if we could find her, which is a bigif, she has enough money to hide for the rest of her life. But fuck, Sergi, he fucked her sister, the others she could probably forgive, but her sister….” He shakes his head, runninga frustrated hand through his hair. “I know the consequences to sleeping with your fiancée’s family member; I lost two years of my daughter’s life, I missed Sofia’s pregnancy, and I was downright fucking lucky she decided to start a fresh with me. But Selene, she….” He shakes his head again and scoffs, “Someone else tried to sell Phoebe, and it’s not hard to guess who. She was always looking down at Phoebe, been jealous of her, and I would bet everything in my bank that she’s the reason the Romanians are after her sister again. And yet Alexandr continues to fuck her.”
I nod. I agree with him; it’s very suspicious that when the marriage contract was switched to Phoebe, she’s suddenly the target of traffickers. It has Selene written all over it, and as for Al still fucking her…. I shake my head; he’s lucky I haven’t castrated him.
I look back at Al, then at my watch, debating messaging my angel that I won’t make it tonight. I look to Damian. “What do we do?”
He shrugs. “We only came here because it was closer to the precinct where I bailed him out. All charges will be dropped by tomorrow anyway. I’ll stay with him; you go do your ‘errands’,” he says, making air quotes. I chuckle lightly. I nod and slap his shoulder as I walk by.
I stop and turn slightly, when he calls out, “Sergi, when you’re ready to tell us, we’re here for you.” I smile and nod, feeling a little guilty. I head to the elevator and leave; I have my woman to surprise.
Half an hour later, I’m pulling onto the curb at NYU School of Medicine. I wait for Avs to come out of the building, tapping my leg impatiently. I know I should be back at my penthouse, helping with Al, but he’ll be asleep for a while, and I really need to see Avery. Seeing her is like breathing; without her, there is no oxygen. It’s quite scary how much I’ve come to need her in mylife. While I wait, my phone rings, and I furrow my brow as look at it.
I roll my eyes and silence it, turning the ringer off, and look back toward the building. She should be out any minute. When the door finally opens and students start to come out, I get out of my car and lean against the passenger door. I cross my right leg over my left and lean back, crossing my arms over my chest. I’m wearing jeans and a tight, black Henley, my hair isn’t as slicked back as it usually is; it’s a little messy on top, and I have my shades on. It’s the look I noticed she appreciates more, and yes, I’m the guy who dressed nice for his woman. Some of the girls walking out stop a few feet away, and openly look me over. I roll my eyes behind my shades as they start to bite their lips. One of them, wearing a short, pink mini skirt and a crop top, with dyed red hair in massive curls, face full of makeup, decides to walk toward me. She’s biting her lip and is twisting her hair around her finger, trying to look seductive. I still have my eyes on the door, keeping the girl in my peripheral vision. I fucking pray Avery comes out now; I really don’t need this girl causing problems.