Page 19 of Bound For You
“Good. I have classes tomorrow that I really cannot afford to miss.”
My eyebrows shoot high into my hairline. “You’re still doing your veterinary courses.”
She smiles and nods, and I grab a hold of her, hugging her tight. I’m so fucking proud that she’s continuing her studies. “I’m proud of you, Phoebs.”
She squeezes me tighter. “I’ve missed you, Sergi.”
I nod, giving her a sad smile. I know she thinks we’re not going to see each other again, but she’s dead fucking wrong.
“This isn’t goodbye, Phoebe. You’re not disappearing on me again, you hear? You’re like my little sister. Now, I have to go and get our money back and inform Damian of everything you’ve reported. I expect our normal weekly phone call.” She chuckles and nods, before I move toward the door. She clears her throat and I sigh. I knew she wouldn’t leave it alone; they’re obviously closer now.
I turn slightly. “I’m not ready to meet him yet, cuz. Denying your child, and leaving the mother to struggle and have to depend on others, only to try and get in touch again after twenty-nine years…. It wasn’t right. The only good thing out of everything is having you as family. Just…just tell him to give me time.”
She nods. “I know, Sergi. If it helps, I know he regrets it, especially after Aunt Valerie ripped into him when she saw you last year in the background while I was FaceTiming her. I believe he’s still sleeping on the couch. She blames him for keeping her child from her, even though you’re not biologically hers, she sees you as hers. Just think about it.”
I give her a sad smile. See, that’s the problem, I’m not Valerie’s and I never was, as harsh as it sounds. I had a mama; she was my everything. Valerie would have tried to take me from her, all because her husband couldn’t keep it in his pants. She felt entitled. I shake my head, I’m not ready to talk about it with Phoebe; I know she’s close with Valerie.
Offering her a gentle smile, I hug Phoebe, kiss her head, then I leave.
Half an hour later,I’m at the office going over the fucking mess Alexandr has unknowingly made. It takes me over an hour to find the three million that’s hidden in an offshore account and transfer it all back. I change all our banking information, so it doesn’t happen again, and add a secure firewall in our systems. I’m fucking grateful Dimitri trained me to do this. My phone starts to ring for the eighth time, and I sigh, thinking it’s Al again. I check the screen and smile when I see a picture of me and Avery.
I answer it quickly. “Hey baby, everything okay?” I start to shut everything down, getting ready to head to Damian’s.
I can hear the smile in her voice when she replies, “Hey, sorry to bug you at work, I just wanted to see if you’ll be home in time for dinner. It’s tacos, my mom’s recipe.” I grin, she said “home” which means she’s not only at my place but she’s thinking it of it as home. Now to convince her itisher home, and she can give up that fucking apartment.
I check my watch. “I don’t think I will be, but save me a plate and I’ll eat it when I get back, okay, baby? It sounds delicious.” Fuck, I love her cooking.
“Okay, babe. I love you, be careful,” she says so sweetly it tugs at my heart strings.
I chuckle. “Always, baby. I love you, too.” I hang up, still smiling, and head to my car. I place all the paperwork Phoebe gave me on the passenger seat, and head to Damian’s.
Fifteen minutes later, I arrive at Damian’s, and grab the paperwork. I walk to hearing Damian dig himself into a hole. I smirk and lean against the door frame to watch the show. Pregnant Sofia is fucking hilarious, when you’re not on the receiving end of her temper, otherwise she’s terrifying.
“Malyshka, this thing with Candy and Selene, while completely wrong, which he understands now, he was just trying to forget Phoebe because she hurt him, broke his heart. He fucked up, he knows this, give him a break, yeah?” he states calmly, and I swallow back a chuckle at his stupidity. I shake my head as she sneers at him. Like I said, a pregnant Sofia is a scary Sofia, surely he knows this by now.
“Well, that’s okay then, isn’t it? I mean that’s exactly what you did right, darling?” she sneers.
Uh-oh. I bite my fist; things are about to get heated. I really hope Mila and Maksim are asleep right now. She has never brought up his infidelity. After their counseling, they decided to keep it in the past, and no thanks to Al and his stupidity, its resurfaced. They may be my brothers, but right now, I’m glad I don’t share their DNA, because like fuck would I cheat on my girl.
Shame I didn’t remember this moment, though, when my world falls apart.
Damian looks at Al and he gives him a sheepish smile, which soon turns to a grimace with Sofia’s next words.
“But, hey, at least you didn’t fuck my family member right? Oh, no,wait, you fuckingdid!” she shouts, and my body shakes with silent laughter.
“Fuck’s sake, Alexandr! Can’t you keep it in your fucking pants?” Damian shouts at Al to save himself, while Al looks like he wants to laugh.
“See, that wasn’t so hard was it, Damian?”
I chuckle aloud this time, and Al scowls at me, taking note of the envelope in my hand.
“Where have you been? I have fucking things to do, Sergi.”
I roll my eyes at him, then straighten before walking over to the armchair under the window to take a seat and look at him. He fucked up, and he needs to know.