Page 2 of Bound For You
I’m sitting at the principal’s office at St. Martins private school, scowling. I’m with my new friends Damian and Alexandr, who are sitting next to me. We met at recess when some big bully was shoving Damian. He’s only seven, and he tried to fight back, but the bully’s two other friends grabbed him and held him down. I ran straight toward them, and shoved Paul, who’s the biggest of them, off Damian, while Alexandr jumped in. Then it was a fairfight; three against three. Damian may be younger but he’s just as tall. All three bullies had to go to the nurses office, and we only came out of it with a few bruises. But, for some stupid reason, we’re in trouble even though we didn’t start it. I scowl harder. Stupid teachers.
I look at Al, and he’s smirking, while Damian is trying not to laugh. They’re bad influences, I’ve decided. Mama will like them. I bite my lip, wanting to smile while the principal, Mr. Thimble, clears his throat angrily.
“This is not a laughing matter; you put three pupils in the nurse’s office. I could expel you all for this.”
I stand up, angry, making Damian and Al look up at me with raised brows. Like hell is he expelling me; I worked hard to get this scholarship to make my mama proud, and there’s no way he’s bringing her down here. She isn’t very well, she doesn’t need this crap, and my dick of dad doesn’t want to know.
“They started it by bullying Damian, ganging up on a seven-year-old because of his last name, and you’re punishingus? Are you stupid or something?”
His face goes red and he’s about to say something, when I hear my mama.
“I would like to know that answer as well. You like to stick by the bullies of this school, Mr. Thimble?” She looks mad, some of her beautiful brown hair has thinned thanks to the chemo, but her brown eyes are burning with rage. She always has my back.
I frown though, she should be resting. I walk over to her and take her hand, helping her take a seat, while the head teacher frowns at my actions. I scowl at him.
“I believe the lady asked you a question, Mr. Thimble,” a new voice states.
I turn to see a tall man in a suit. He looks exactly like Al and Damian, with dark brown hair and facial features. But not his eyes; his are hazel. A pretty lady joins him at the doorway. Shemust be their mother; she has bright blue eyes like theirs, but black hair instead of their dark hair, which is browner. She looks pissed when she sees the state my mother is in, then scowls at the principal.
“Even though you know she’s not well, you called this boy’s mother in for his sticking up for my son? I think the young man is right, youarestupid.”
My brows lift high to my hairline. Huh, I like her. My mother tries not to laugh, making me smile, and I keep a hold of her hand. Mr. Thimble pales when he sees how mad the man is.
“Mr. Volkov, I just…I…fighting is against school rules.”
Mr. Volkov nods like he’s agreeing and states, “Yet, these three boys are currently sitting in your office, and we’ve been called in, while the three boys that started the fight, on my youngest son no less, are sitting in the nurse’s office. Tell me, Mr. Thimble, did you havethesethree boys checked out? Or my youngest son who had three big boys gang up on him? Or did you see the last name and decide to just punish the wrong kids?”
I smirk. I like this guy, he’s awesome. My mother stands and I grab her arm to steady her.
“Mr. Thimble, you have wasted our time. I do not appreciate you calling me down here for the wrong reasons. I know the story you fabricated, but I also know my son, he stuck up for the right person, and you should be ashamed of yourself.” She turns to look at me. “Say bye to your new friends, we can plan for you to meet after school hours,moy syn, because you’re not coming back to this shithole. And I think a formal complaint to the board would suffice.”
Alexandr and Damian lose it and burst out laughing as Mr. and Mrs. Volkov smile widely. I nod and go to say bye when Mr. Thimble stands, tripping over his words.
“Ms. Popov, I-I’m sorry it, it won’t happen again. I’ll ensure the other boys’ parents come in. These boys will not be held accountable.”
My mother raises her eyebrow, assessing him, watching him, making him sweat, and I smile.
“Fine. One chance. I don’t want a phone call like this one again, do I make myself clear?” He nods. “Good. I will be removing my child for the rest of the day, and I expect an update on the three boys. Have a good afternoon, Mr. Thimble.” He pales and I smile, keeping hold of my mother’s arm while we walk out; I don’t want her to fall. The Volkovs leave right behind us, not saying anything to the fumbling principal. As soon as we get to the parking lot, I notice several men standing around in suits, and I raise my brows. Huh, they must be important.
Damian comes up to me, giving me a bro hug, Al next.
“Thanks for helping, brother,” Al states. I nod and smile.
“Any time.”
“Popov…as in Igor Popov?” Mr. Volkov asks.
My mother smiles. “My father.”
The man frowns and looks at my mother’s car, then back to my mother. She must know what he’s thinking because she states, “He disowned me when I fell pregnant and was no use to the family any longer. But it’s okay.”
He shakes his head, then replies, “It’s not okay, you’re clearly sick, and he has no clue because he’s a stubborn old man. You need anything you contact me personally, do you understand? We’re your family.”
I look at them in confusion but my mother smiles and nods, while Mrs. Volkov gives her a smile too, and quickly gives her a hug. Alexandr and Damian give me a bro hug again and say bye, and I get into my mother’s old Ford.
She drives off, and I wait a couple of minutes before I ask, “What did he mean by family, Mama?”
She sighs and pulls off to the side of the road and looks at me, smiling a little. “Bratva, son. My father is a brigadier in the Russian mafia. Dimitri Volkov is the Pahkan. I was shunned when I refused to terminate my pregnancy. Your father, well, I didn’t know he was married until I told him about you, which you already know. I haven’t kept this a secret from you because you are smart beyond your years, it’s how you managed to get a scholarship for that fancy school. But you know he didn’t want his wife to leave him. She couldn’t have kids, so knowing about you would have either destroyed her or she would have tried taking you from me. It’s why I never fought your father for child support and why I didn’t tell my father who your father was—it would have started a war. After both my father and Juan left me to fend for myself, I made sure to never go back, but it looks like you’ve become close friends with the future of the Bratva.”