Page 44 of Bound For You
I clear my throat as Sergi’s face goes red. I give him a funny look; I thought he’d be happy that I’m moving.
“The owners want another $350 a month.” My mouth hangs open. “I know it's already $950 a month, but you do want to move in straight away.” I shake my head, the nerve.
“I’m paying you to get me a good deal, not add more to my monthly bills. With all due respect, Tasha, I may be shy but I’m not stupid. You’re trying to get one over one me. Either sort out a decent price, or I’ll find someone who can, and you won’t see a penny from me. Call me back when you’ve spoken to the owners again.” Then I hang up.
Sergi looks at me, his jaw twitching. “You’re moving?”
I sigh and look at him, his green eyes are holding pain, so much so that I have to look away. I know he was hoping I’d move in with him when we were together, but I won’t feel guilty for not going back to him. He cheated, he lied, he threatened—not me.
“My current apartment isn’t big enough for me and the twins.”
He goes to say something else, but my name is called, saving me.
We go through the same routine of weight check, blood pressure check, and urine check, before I’m taken to the same room. I sit on the exam table. Sergi follows, watching my every move, then leans against the wall near the door.
Dr. Monroe walks in and gives me a big smile. “Good morning, Avery, how are you today?”
I smile at her. “I’m good, Dr. Monroe.” I nod toward Sergi. “This is Sergi, the father.”
She smiles and shakes his hand, then looks at me. “Okay, lets lie down so I can feel your belly, and make sure all is good. Then we’ll check them out on the ultrasound, okay?” I nod and do as instructed. I can feel Sergi’s eyes on me as she lifts my top and feels around. She smiles, ignoring my scars, just like last time, making me smile. She reports, “Everything feels good. Now, this will be a little cold. Let’s see your babies.” She squirts the gel on my belly as she talks, then places the wand on my belly, moving it around.
A ‘swoosh-swoosh’ instantly fills the room, and I smile at the sound of their heart beats. I look at Sergi, his eyes are wet. He moves closer, making me tense.
“Alright, let’s see baby A first. Do you still want to know the sex?” She looks at me as she asks, and I nod enthusiastically, making her chuckle.
She moves the wand around and hits buttons on the keyboard. “Okay mom, you’re nearly finished with med school,ready to start your residency in the ER, let’s put your skills to the test. During the last scan, you knew you were carrying twins before I could even tell you. So, what are we having?”
I chuckle and look at the screen as Sergi stares at me. I can feel his eyes on the side of my face. I study the image on the monitor, then smile.
“A boy.”
The doctor smiles and nods as Sergi sucks in a breath.
“Excellent! Let’s see what baby B is, shall we.” She moves the wand and starts measuring the baby before she states, “Baby B is a little smaller, but all looks good, everything is developing well.” She looks at me again. “Well?”
I chuckle again and look at the screen. As I study the image, tears start to fall.
I whisper, “A girl.”
Sergi grabs my hand and squeezes it tight while I look in awe at my children.
The doctor prints off two sets of pictures and hands one to me and one to Sergi, he then shakes her hand as she tells me to make another appointment for three weeks. I nod and sit up, wiping the gel off. We head to the reception, and the lady at the desk smiles coyly at Sergi.
I groan, rolling my eyes. “Can I please make an appointment for three weeks?”
The receptionist glances at me and narrows her eyes, probably upset I interrupted her flirting eyes. She makes the appointment, then hands me a card.
Not wanting to cause I scene, I thank her and take the card, but Sergi being Sergi, decides making a scene is more fun.
Loud enough for the room full of women and their partners hear, he sneers, “You have a habit of trying to flirt with men that come in here with their pregnant women? You just gave my girl evil eyes because she asked you to do your job. News flash,darling, I’m taken, I have twins on the way with the love of my life, so why would I look at you twice?”
My face heats, hating the attention as every woman cheers and the men chuckle. Sergi grabs my hand and pulls me out of the office, taking me to my car.
I tug my hand free and state, “You shouldn’t have done that; we’re not together anymore. You can flirt with or sleep with whoever you want.”
He shakes his head, leans down, and gently kisses my forehead. Tears burn behind my eyes; I miss him, so much.
He rasps, “You are mine, and I’m yours. I haven’t been with anyone since my stupid mistake. Mindy was lying to you, I’m not with her, you’re all I want, I won’t give up.” He pulls back and pins me with his gaze. “Don’t get an apartment yet. Wait, please. I want all three of you with me. I’m not going to give up, Avery. You’ve had your month, now I’m going to be everywhere you are. So please, just hold off, because you never know, you may change your mind. I love you, Avs. And next time I get you in my bed, your pleasure will be all I think about.” He kisses my lips gently, taking advantage of my shocked state, then opens my door for me. “Hop in, I’ll wait until you’re gone before I leave.”