Page 5 of Bound For You
Sergi – Fourteen Years Old
“Come on,Sergi, is that the best you’ve got?” Damian taunts, and I chuckle. We’re playing basketball at his house, and I’ve just made a shot but failed to get it in the basket.
I shake my head and wipe my face with my top. “Shut it, dick.”
He laughs and we walk over to get a drink as Al comes out of the house. “You off to see Phoebe today?”
I nod. “Yeah, I’ve got to leave in ten.”
He nods and takes a seat on the lounger. “You ever going to introduce us?”
I laugh and shake my head. “Not a fucking chance, she’s like my little sister, you two bozos aren’t going anywhere near her, you can have her sister Selene, though. She’s a stuck-up, spoiled bitch.” They burst out laughing while I grab the ball, and shout over my shoulder, “Come on, you two, let’s play one more game before I have to leave.” They run after me while I laugh.
An hour later, I’m sitting at the ice cream parlor on 5thwhen my little cousin Phoebe walks in with my aunt. Phoebe doesn’tknow that were related but that’s okay. Her white-blond hair is in her usual pigtails, and she has a bright smile on her face. When she spots me, she lets go of her mother’s hand and runs over to me, I stand just in time for her to barrel into my arms. I pick her up and hug her tight.
“Missed you, sweet girl.” She smiles brightly and kisses my cheek before I set her down. My aunt, Isabella, comes over and kisses my cheek, then goes to order our ice cream. I sit Phoebe down at the table, then sit next to her.
“How are you doing, Phoebe Pie?” She giggles at the name.
“Okay. Selene pushed me over today. She said she didn’t mean to, it hurt though.” I frown. Selene’s a little bitch, very jealous of Phoebe despite having all their mother’s attention most of the time. If Phoebe has something, Selene wants something bigger. She used to come on these outings until I told my aunt that I don’t want her here; she’s too mean to Phoebe, and I really don’t want to hit a girl.
My aunt comes back before I can say something, and passes Phoebe her favorite chocolate and vanilla ice cream cone, and me a mint chocolate chip one.
I smile. “Thank you.” She smiles widely back.
“You’re welcome, darling. How’s school going?”
I chuckle, which makes her raise a brow at me, and I shrug. “I may or may not have set the fire alarm off when I realized I had a test in math today. Didn’t get caught though, so all good.” I look at her with innocent eyes and hers widen before she bursts out in laughter, shaking her head. Phoebe giggles, making me laugh with her. This is what I love about my aunt, she’s awesome.
We spend an hour together before Aunt Isabella has to take Phoebe home. I promise to call her tomorrow, then leave to head home, smiling. Mom’s been doing better lately; she’s in remission. She’s been suffering from breast cancer the last few years, undergoing surgery and chemotherapy treatments. TheVolkovs have been amazing, helping us out since I stuck up for their son. They treat me like one of them too. Mr. Volkov asked if I wanted to become a Made Man, but I declined. I know my mother doesn’t want me to have a part of that life, especially because of my biological father, Juan Garcia, who is Jefe of the Spanish Mafia. He never claimed me, not wanting to lose his wife, but I’ve been just fine without him; my mother’s an amazing woman.
Twenty minutes later, I’m walking into our small two-bedroom apartment,
“Mama?” I smile as I walk into the living room, but it instantly drops when I see my mother, lying on the sofa, her eyes open and empty.
“Mama!” I shout and run over to her. I check for her pulse but there isn’t one, and tears fall from my eyes while I kneel in front of her and rest my forehead on her arm.
She’s cold, has been dead a while. More tears fall. They told us some hidden complications could happen, I just thought it wouldn’t happen to her, she’s been doing so well.
I take out my phone and call the one person who has been a rock to us these last four years. It rings five times before Dimitri Volkov answers.
“Sergi, my boy, what can I do for you?” I can’t keep it in. I let out a sob, and he’s instantly alert. “Sergi? What is it? What’s happened? Where are you?” I hear Maria in the background, “What’s wrong with Sergi, is he okay?” She sounds panicked, but he ignores her. “Sergi, son, talk to me.”
I rasp, “She’s gone, she’s dead.” I hear Maria let out a sob.
“Where are you, son?” Dimitri asks quietly.
I sniffle. “The apartment. She’s so cold.”
He clears his throat. “We’re on our way, okay? We’ll be fifteen minutes tops.” I nod and hang up, not caring that he can’t see me.
He walks in fifteen minutes later to see me resting my head on her arm with tears falling down my cheeks. Maria runs in after him and when she sees me, tears instantly fill her eyes, and they both come over and grab a hold of me. I lay my head on Dimitri’s shoulder while both their arms wrap around me. My body feels numb; my best friend, my light, my mother, gone. I feel empty. I start to sob uncontrollably, and they tighten their hold on me.
“Come on, son, let’s get you out of here. Your mother already planned that you’ll live with us. Come on.”
I shake my head and rasp, “I can’t leave her.”
Maria’s tears fall faster while Dimitri squeezes my shoulder. “I have men coming. Come on, son.”