Page 59 of Bound For You
“It’s good to be home, brother, even better to have my woman back.”
They both grin.
Twenty minutes later, we arrive at our office, and I get giddy. Dimitri smirks while Juan chuckles at me. We all head to the basement where Peter is already waiting for us with a scowl on his face. I sigh, he’s been trying to contact my girl, but she’s not there yet.
I slap his back and put my hand on the biometric scanner, stating, “Just give her time.”
He scowls harder. “She forgaveyou.”
Shaking my head, I turn toward him. He sounds fucking bitter. “Did I fuck up? Too fucking right, I did, and I owned up to it. But you abandoned her at the drop of a fucking hat. Youbarely scanned the DNA document, if you did you, would have seen it was a poor forgery. You didn’t even question how that bitch got a sample of your DNA to even do the test. Avery was abused and molested for years, all because her biological father refused to take her. It’s not something she can forgive and forget in a few months. You must own up to your mistakes. It took her months to even talk to me, Peter, but what you did made her suffer foryears.”
His face is white, but I ignore that. I turn and head into the room with the others. I smirk when I see the three idiots chained to the ceiling wearing only their underwear. They all look up, and when they see my cold stare, they tremble.
I look to Damian, my Pahkan, and he smirks. “Looks like these three died in a boating accident trying to flee the country. Sadly, they went down with the boat.”
I grin coldly at them. Ben pisses himself while Hannah openly cries. Julian looks at me and sneers. “You’ll die for this; you don’t know who we are.”
I chuckle darkly as Al states, “Professor Julian Whitmore, but that’s not your real degree; you forged it with help from the Romanian’s.”
He pales when I say, “Is now a good time to inform you three that you’re honored guests of the Russian Bratva?” Julian pisses himself this time, but I continue, “As well as the Italian and Greek Mafia.”
Hannah screams, “I didn’t do anything! I didn’t!”
I sneer and walk over to her, then I grab her hair. “So you didn’t beat my girl, then and try selling her, or let that fat piece of shit nearly rape and kill her?”
She pales and tries to shake her head. “I d-don’t know who your g-girl is.”
I smile evilly. “Avery Taylor.” They all pale and look at me as I state, “Formerly known as Avery Taylor Gibson. But now she’sAvery Gibson Popov. My pregnant wife.” Ben starts to shake while Julian and Hannah look like they’re about to pass out.
“What the fuck!” I hear Damian shout, and I chuckle; Al and Peter stand there, staring at me in shock, while Dimitri and Juan smile. They were both there when I decided I had enough of not having her tethered to me.
Al gets in my face and sneers, “Please fucking tell me my brother from another mother did not get married without us there. If Phoebe finds out, she’ll find a way to blame me for it.”
I chuckle again, and state, “It was a small courthouse ceremony. She only wanted those two there.” I throw both Dimitri and Juan under the bus, but they smirk and shake their heads at me while Damian pouts. I sigh. “We’re going to have another ceremony with all of our family after the babies are born, okay?” They just narrow their eyes at me while Peter glares. I point my finger at him. “You have roughly six months to get your ass in gear, because as it stands, she wantsmydad to walk her down the aisle.” Al and Damian grin when they hear me finally calling Dimitri dad, while Juan just smiles sadly. I tilt my head at him, and he nods. Soon. I’ll get there soon.
I turn back to the three soon-to-be-dead people and smile; Julian has already passed out. I shake my head, grab my knife from its holder on my belt, and stab him in the stomach. He wakes up with a gasp, then screams as I pull it out. Ben vomits while Hannah pisses herself and cries, and I smile. I walk to Ben, and slowly slice his ear off as he screams about how sorry he is and to give him mercy.
I snarl, “Like you gave my wife mercy when she was only nine years old?” He starts to cry. I hear a cry of pain next to me and look to see Peter slicing off Julian’s finger.
“Please, please, we didn’t sell her, she’s with you so she made it! Please!” Hannah cries out.
Al walks over to her and shoves a rag into her mouth, and sneers, “And yet your brother-in-law tried to kill her not long ago, so shut your fucking mouth.”
She sobs around the rag, and I get back to work slicing this mother fucker. Dimitri, Juan, Al, and Damian take a turn too, and by the time we reach for Hannah, she’s pale as a ghost. Ben is still alive—just—he’s been sliced from head to toe. His right ear is gone, and most of his fingers, and several toes. I have one more punishment for him, and I want his wife to see it. Julian, however, gets the same courtesy he gave my girl. I booted him hard enough to break a rib and nick his lung, then I watched as he slowly died, suffocating as he pleaded for his life in wet, gasping breaths.
I turn toward Al and hold out my hand. “Tongs.”
He smirks and gets them from our workbench as everyone else stands back.
I get in Ben’s face and rasp, “So, you like to knock kids out then rape them, do you?”
He tries to shake his head. “I-I’m s-s-sorry.”
I tsk and I slice off his underwear. He cries out, probably thinking I’m going to rape him, which is fucking gross. I pull a face, and the men laugh while Al passes me the tongs. I use them to grip his cock, which is getting hard. I gag. When she sees me put a knife to her hubby’s hard dick and slice through it, Hannah starts to scream, but it’s muffled by the rag. I cut Ben’s dick right off. He screams out in pain, and I take the opportunity to shove it down his throat.
I clamp his mouth shut with my glove covered hand while he chokes on his own dick.
I rasp, “This is for my wife, you sick bastard.”