Page 66 of Bound For You
Just as I’m about to scream, he returns with two car seats. I squeal, yes squeal, in delight. I run toward him, hugging him tightly around his waist.
He kisses my head chuckling. “Go pack your bag, sweetheart, I’m here to take you home.”
I pump my fist in the air. “Yes!” He laughs and goes to put the twins in their car seats.
Once I’ve got everything ready, Peter takes my bags and grabs Anthony, while I go to get Natalia, but I’m stopped when Juan enters my room.
He grins at me. “Don’t even think about picking up that car seat, darling. That’s what I’m here for.” I smile and walk over to him and kiss his cheek. He smiles and goes to grab my beautiful girl. Anthony has my violet eyes and his daddy’s dark blond hair, while Natalie has my black hair and her daddy’s green eyes. Little heartbreakers, the pair of them.
Once we get to the entrance of the hospital, I see Dimitri waiting in the SUV and I chuckle.
“What is this, the grandfather’s outing?” They all chuckle but tense when someone clears their throat. I turn to see the nurse, Lucy. I nod for the men to go ahead, and they scowl at me, but do as I ask as I plead with my eyes. Dimitri gets out of the SUV and leans against the driver’s door, watching me.
I turn to the nurse. “What can I do for you, Lucy?”
She clears her throat again. “I wanted to apologies to you. I took my anger out on an innocent woman when I was fired by my own actions. I never should have come to your room that day, and I certainly shouldn’t have tried to attack you. Even ifyou didn’t have that sweet girl on your chest, you’d just woken up from a coma after nearly dying. You didn’t deserve it.”
I tilt my head and ask, “Then why did you do it?”
She wipes away a tear. “Sergi and I went to school together, along with Alexandr and Damian. I didn’t realize he was the father of the twins when he came in. I just saw an opportunity to finally talk to my high school crush, and when he snapped at me, I-I was a little taken back. He was nice in high school, and it stung, because he didn’t recognize me when I brought the twins to your room. I thought I was bringing them to him. I never realized their mother was well alive. My sights were set on him, and when you snapped at me—rightly so—I was embarrassed. Then I was fired, and I decided to blame the wrong person.Iwas to blame.”
I sigh and look toward the SUV, and shake my head when I notice all three men standing there with their arms across their chests.
I chuckle then look back to Lucy. “Do you know what happened to me, before the twins were born?” She shakes her head, so I give her the run down, from the time I found my mother dead, to the day I was kidnapped by Vasiliki and nearly died giving birth to the twins. By the time I’m done, we’re both weeping.
She sobs. “I-I’m s-so s-s-sorry.”
I grab her hand and squeeze it, and I whisper, “I’m not telling you this to gain sympathy or make you feel even more worse than you do, I’m telling you this because I want you to find your person. Don’t settle for a taken man, or someone who doesn’t know your worth. Find someone who will remember you and only want you.”
She nods and hugs me, whispering, “Thank you.”
I nod then let her go. I give her a smile, and head toward the SUV and climb in with three grinning men. I shake my head.
Half an hour later, we’re pulling into our driveway, and I grin. I love this mansion, and I’m miffed that I’ve only spent a few hours here. When we pull up, Maria comes running down the steps.
Juan helps me out of the car just before she grabs me in a hug as Dimitri and Peter grab the twins. Juan gets my bags, and we all head inside.
When I walk through the door, I hear, “Surprise!” I nearly jump out of my skin.
Tears fill my eyes, and I look in the crowd for the only person I want. And there he is, green eyes sparkling, standing front and center in black jeans and a white Henley. His scruff is still on his face after I told him how much I loved it, his blond hair is slicked back and short on the sides. I run toward him, causing everyone to chuckle, and when he catches me, lifting my feet off the ground, I wrap them around his waist.
I lean my forehead against his and rasp, “I love you.”
He smiles wide. “Not as much as I love you,dragotsennyy.”
When he places me on the ground, I’m tackled in a hug. Chanel perfume invades my nostrils and I grin, “Mel!”
She sniffles. “Missed you, girlie.”
I nod, hugging her tightly. “Missed you, too.”
A few minutes later, another four set of arms surround us, and I giggle as Phoebe states, “Don’t forget about us.”
When we all pull apart, Sergi passes me Natalia. I see Anthony with Dimitri, and grin wide. I kiss Natalia’s head, and sit in my dad’s chair, finally feeling at home.
About an hour later, people are mingling outside while I’m still in my dad’s chair, only this time I have both my babies asleep on my chest. Mel left half an hour ago to catch her flight to Texas, meeting up with her parents, and Sergi is in the kitchen with Dimitri and Peter. I’m content and happy. Someone sitsdown near me. I turn to see a woman I haven’t met. She smiles at me, but it doesn’t reach her hazel eyes.
“I wanted to introduce myself. I’m Valerie.”