Page 139 of Their Princess
I backed up a step as Wilde said, “I mean it, Angel.”
“You can count on me, Prez,” said Angel.
I hadn’t even noticed him in the corner.
Angel pushed away from the wall. “We’ll be back in the Ridge later today. You gotta focus on Vegas.” His eyes, under his scarred brow and white streak, found me as I was backing out.
Then all the eyes turned on me, and I cringed. I didn’t know the Prez that well, only that he made the deal with my father that sealed my fate. So I didn’t like Wilde much for that sin alone.
“I was just, um, looking for...” I trailed off, glancing across the common room to where I knew Sas’s room was. “I’ll, um, leave you all to...” Whatever the fuck I stumbled into.
Someone whistled before I could move, and bikers flooded into the common room, saddlebags packed and cuts on. They even wore similar jeans and boots. I was nearly blinded by their drab fashion. Towering over them all, Sas came strutting out of the back hallway like he owned the place.
He shouldered a backpack, and I slipped through the MC bikers to get to him. As soon as he saw me, he rocked back on his heels, his jaw locked. He barely looked at me as he stepped past, but I followed him. The guys moved out of Sas’s way, and I wassmall and quick and basically surfed his wake toward the front door.
“You’re not even going to speak to me?” I asked.
“I think you speak enough for the both of us,” said Sas, stepping outside.
The LA sun beat down on me as soon as I emerged from the warehouse confines, and I tried not to flinch. “That’s never stopped you before.”
He snorted but said nothing.
Why wasn’t he fighting back with me today? Was it because he got what he wanted? Same with Graff. I glanced over my shoulder, wondering if he would throw me aside like my ass of a future husband. But I couldn’t let that distract me and faced Sas again, like he would slip away if I didn’t keep an eye on him.
He attached his saddle bags to his motorcycle. “Go back inside.”
“I’m going to Las Vegas with you,” I said.
“Why would you do that?”
“You kinda need me there for—you know—the fucking wedding.”
He looked up at the clear blue sky. “Oh, yeah. That. Well find someone else to let you be their bitch today. I’m flying solo.”
“Why don’t you want me on your bike?”
“I’ve been very obvious about that, princess.”
God, I was starting to hate him calling me that, while loving it too. Perhaps I needed medical help. I frowned. “You wanted me last night.”
“I wanted your pussy, and you handed it over to me like a good little slut,” said Sas without looking at me.
“Then why give me to Graff?”
“Because I’m a nice guy.”
I scoffed.
Sas narrowed his eyes on me. “You don’t think so? I let you come. Multiple times.”
I started laughing, but I wasn’t giggling now. Last night’s ecstasy started to slip back into my fore vision, but I blinked it away. I was dealing with the same old ass named Sas.
“Ass,” I snipped at him.
“Oh...” he lifted his chin. “You think so? If I was really the ass you think I am, you would’ve been left tied up on the table with no one to free you. A veritable buffet for the prospects.”
Bastards would never change, I guessed.