Page 156 of Their Princess
“No.” I shifted in my seat. “I hate these pants.”
“They make your ass look good,” she said.
I shifted to relieve the pressure they kept on my hardening dick. “They’re hiding the best part of me.”
“Which part would that be?”
“You should know. You had it.”
She tilted her head to the side like she was thinking, but I saw the pink tinge her cheeks under her heavy makeup. She couldn’t hide from what her body so desperately wanted.
“When will this be over?” I growled.
“Why?” she asked. “Not having fun?”
“It’d be more fun if we were naked.” I scanned the faces around the long table. “And alone.”
She snorted. “We weren’t alone last time.”
No, we weren’t.
“Are you saying I should fuck you on the table now?”
“Sas,” she hissed, glancing around to see if others heard.
I draped my arm along the back of her chair and lowered my voice. “I could hike up your dress and show everyone how prettily you come?”
Adelina glanced at me from the corner of her eye. “I dare you.”
“Stupid girl.”
I grabbed the fabric of her dress over her thigh, and her hands twisted into the white tablecloth.
“You have to learn not to play with fire, little princess.”
I palmed her thigh and was about to grab her cunt when Massimo suddenly stood and clinked silverware on a champagne glass. The table went silent. I still would’ve fucked Adelina here with a bigger and more focused audience, but Wilde’s glare dug into my skin.
He had fucked women in some very... open places.
Guess like called to like.
She was at my right side, and I had been twisted, about to finger fuck her with my left hand. Still having a silent convo with the Prez, I leaned back in the chair and put my hand on top of the table.
Massimo cleared his throat, and Adelina looked at her father. Her attention was no longer on me, but I had an idea. This could still work.
After freeing my arm from the back of her chair, I clasped my hands on top of the table for a few of the Don’s sentences. I wasn’t listening to him, because I couldn’t give a fuck what he had to say. My attention was on Adelina.
I ran my right hand down my thigh and then slid it under the tablecloth and hiked up her skirt again. When my fingertips grazed her skin, she stiffened but then leaned forward and reached for her wine glass. She placed both elbows on the table and hid her face with a sip. My cock bulged in my pants.
Getting to the marriage part, Massimo continued, “Tonight, we are gathered before my eldest daughter is wed.”
His words lacked any sort of fatherly tone. He sounded like a proud businessman who had basically sold off cattle.
“Tomorrow,” he said, lifting his glass to Wilde, “la Famiglia Parisi will officially be bound with The Ridge motorcycle club, allying us as long-term partners.”
But never friends or lovers, I thought, flashing a look at Adelina. Her head was turned toward her father, and her stoic mask firmly in place.
“This is important to both of us as we work in tandem.” Massimo let his gaze drift over the capos and down to me.