Page 170 of Their Princess
Adelina sighed and crossed to stand beside Graff and me. “I’m not saying we should have kids; I’ve read the science on that too. All I’m saying is that our attraction is notabnormal.”
“Tesoro, this is?—”
She placed a finger across my lips, cutting off my objection. “Without the Mafia and the MC, this is us. It’s never been normal, and I don’t care anymore. I don’t want normal. I want....” Her chest rose and fell as she searched for words. “I want you, Rafe. And Graff.AndSas.”
A pain jolted through my chest.
Something breaking and being remade by her words.
Graff had been watching us from the corner of his eye—there, but not present, like I’d been all my life. But no longer, thanks to the one and only person who has ever seen into my soul.
Frozen, in place and in awe of how much Adelina was changing me in this moment, I basked in her light. Her acceptance. The one thing that would give me purpose for the remainder of my days.
Graff stepped forward. “Thisis why I came.”
Adelina leaned up and gave me a small kiss on the corner of my mouth, then turned to Graff. “Is that my gift from Sas?”
She tried to take the box from his hand, but he snatched it away.
“That’s for later.” He winked at me.
She pouted. “But we’re doing the wedding thing later.”
“We have some time now.” Graff picked her up by the waist and stood her in front of me, her back to my front and so close I could feel the heat rolling off her body.
As her guard for now, I should’ve set her behind me and slammed Graff to the ground. Instead, my cock hardened.
Graff backed Adelina up, in turn pushing me backward until the back of my knees hit the guest chair by the door. I fell into the seat.
“This, what’s about to happen here, is from Sas.” Graff ducked under the skirt of her wedding dress.
She stumbled, and I caught her before she crumpled to the floor, lowering her into my lap. The back of her head fit into the crook of my neck, and her clean scent curled around my throat, holding me hostage. I couldn’t inhale without breathing her in. She was in my arms, but I was the one trapped. A doll on strings, controlled by a mixed bag of longing, lust, and another L-word I didn’t even want to think.
Her lower back pressed against my cock, trapping it between her and my stomach as her hips rested on my thighs. The thick layers of her wedding dress were her only safety. My control had snapped, and if I could maneuver enough, I would bury my cock to the hilt inside her.
I couldn’t see what Graff was doing, but by the way she bit her lip and moaned, it hit her in all the right places. I watched her in the reflection of the mirrors, and the pressure in my groin burned and sparked. The bulge of Graff’s head rose under her skirt. Surely, he was moving his mouth across her pussy, licking all the spots that would give her pleasure.
I could imagine it too well and forced my eyes open even as I trapped my mouth shut.
My imagination was a dangerous place, trading visions of car bombs and how badly my body wanted to explode when we touched. Adelina hissed, her head falling back. Her chest rose and fell quickly, her cleavage plunging like canyons and heaving like cliffs.
Graff’s black shoes peeked out from under her dress, the soles dusty and worn. She panted, and I thought,So much for her purity.
Although, I already knew she had tastes for the impure.
He fucked her with his tongue, and her hips rolled on my lap. She threw one hand up around the back of my head and held on. At the same time, she grabbed onto the frill of her dress. Her feet lifted from the ground so that I had to support all her weight in my lap—something I gladly did. The bumps where her knees tented the skirt fell wider to the sides as Adelina squealed in orgasm.
Graff slowed his movements under her skirt, letting her come down from the high but not immediately removing himself. When her body started to let go of the tension, he rocked out from under her dress.
Adelina gasped, stars in her eyes as she looked at Graff and then me. Red tinged her cheeks.
“Enjoy that little gift?” he asked.
“It was a nice present from my fiancé,” she said breathlessly, the queen she was becoming trying desperately to keep that breeziness. It didn’t work.
Graff pushed to his feet, wearing a broad grin, and wiped her juices from his chin. “I’ll share your compliments.”
“Do that,” she said, cocking back her head.