Page 38 of Their Princess
“You got . . . no . . . right . . . to use my name.” Sas struggled under me.
“Seems I’ve won this challenge. I’ll take whatever rights I want.” I stood, letting him breathe again.
“I’m not scared of you.” He sat up.
I crouched, shooting my hand out, and squeezed the sides of his neck. “Maybe not now,” I conceded as I watched the lack of blood flow make his eyes bulge.
Then I ducked my head down, getting so close to his ear that I could’ve bitten down and ripped it off. “If you hurtmy niece inanyway, I will hurt you ineveryway.” Then I shoved off him and marched toward the ropes that kept us caged in like animals.
“It’s not even a real marriage!” grumbled Sas behind me, blood pooling from his injured nose and cut lip. The drain underneath him would get some good use after this. He would have bruises too, but he’d remember the ass beating. Maybe next time, we could skip the fists.
I ducked between the ropes, and the men parted for me. Heading for the stairs, I stripped the gloves, let them fall at their feet, and grabbed my MC cut.
1 TLA—Three Letter Acronym; KP—Kitchen Patrol; TAC—Tactical Air Command
Chapter Nine
When a knock rattledmy locked door, I gritted my teeth. How kind of them to remember me and respect my privacy by not just storming inside. Why should I call out when they had the lock and keys on the outside of my door?
Knocking, however, was where the politeness stopped. One of the MC members—I didn’t know who—rolled in a suitcase and then slammed and locked the door again. Guess Papà finally had my stuff delivered. I hadn’t even had the time to get up from the bed, so when the door slammed, I huffed and placed my head back down.
I had my cell phone. And now, my stuff. Looked like I was home.
“Welcome to me.” I bobbled my head and rolled my eyes just before burying my face into the scratchy pillow again.
While I had a dresser and a closet, I didn’t get up to put things away. No one said I would be staying in this room long. Sas probably just put me in here to get me out of the way, and then he forgot me. Of course, he did. And if I had anything to say about my living arrangements, I was heading to the nearest Ritz Carlton as soon as I broke free.
Where was Rafe when I needed him?
I grabbed my phone and rolled onto my back, staring at the thing as my hold on it tightened enough for my knuckles to turn white.
Maybe I should call my uncle.
Or . . . I could call the police.
It would be so nice to leave this whole world behind and become someone entirely new. The only problem was finding someone trustworthy enough to create a new identity for me. Papà’s forgery guy, Luciano Ricci, would surely run and tell his Don at the first mention, so he was out of the question.
I pushed into a sitting position.Think, Adelina, you have to know someone who knows someone else.I had been a Mafia princess, after all.
Giving up that power made me almost sick. I couldn’t have a normal life, no matter how much I pretended that’s what I wanted. Escape from the Mafia once in the fold wasn’t something anyone with two functioning brain cells tried. But right now, what good did being a Mafia princess do when I was locked in a bedroom.
I hopped up off the bed and tried the knob just in case, and yep, locked. My shoulders drooped as I blew out a deep breath. Not my life. Stuck in this bedroom. Banished. Who gave Sas the fucking right?
I kicked the suitcase onto its back and unzipped the sides, picking through the clothing that I’d had the servants pack. They had packed four suitcases in total, so where the hell were the other three? I picked through the fabric and then plucked out a dress and a pair of high heels. I wouldn’t be lounging around in jeans, and I couldn’t crawl into my pajamas as much as I wanted to.
Running both hands over my forearms, I stopped and pinched myself, hoping I would wake up and realize this was all a dream.
No such luck.
Unfortunately, this was my new reality, so I pulled out the clothes and began to strip. Halfway with my shirt pulled off, I considered that there might be a camera in here, watching my every move. I checked but couldn’t find anything that looked remotely like a camera.
Honestly, I didn’t even care as much as I should have. I worked hard to keep my hourglass figure, and I knew by how guys at the nightclubs ogled me that my body was something worth staring at. Not a rail, but curvy with ample boobs and ass, the latter thanks to the squats my trainer pushed me through. I was sure the MC members would be masturbating to my tits if this was on video.
Let them.
Music ripped through the warehouse. Well, mostly the bass rattling the walls. and I jerked my head back.