Page 44 of Their Princess
“Stop,” I muttered to myself.
I needed to stop thinking about Adelina naked with the tip of my tattoo gun to her unmarked skin. Stop imagining all the pleasure I could wring from her body.
The door to where Sas and Kaos were fucking may have been closed, but the sound pierced the air like a gunshot. I pushed the door open, staring at the two of them connected by cock and cunt. He had her bent over the bed, her bare ass in the air with her come-fuck-me heels still on and her skirt up around her waist. Sas gripped her hips, slamming into her. He had only dropped his pants to his knees and still wore his shirt, MC cut, and boots.
How romantic.
Cracking his eyes open from his ongoing ecstasy, Sas stared at me. The words that threatened to spill—the anger that had brought me storming into the clubhouse—faded. Despite myself, seeing the live porn made me forget.
I was nothing if not stimulated by visuals.
My cock hardened, my balls aching.
I had come in here full of my sanctimonious self and ready to put Sas on the right-by-his-woman path, but the visual in front of me painted new urges in my mind’s eye. Fuck, when was the last time I’d gotten my dick wet? Too long ago, for sure. A stiff breeze might make me hard now, and the thought of doubling up on her... damn.
Wouldn’t be the first time Sas and I had tag teamed, and the thought of all the sensations that came with a good double penetration had all my blood rushing into my cock. The sensations of filling a girl with two cocks made everything so much tighter.
Unfortunately, the blood drained when Kaos fucking screamed again, sounding like a chicken.
Sas must’ve thought so too because he grabbed the back of Kaos’s head and threw her face down into the blankets, effectively muffling her screeches. He never slowed how he pounded into her pussy. His hips drew back and then slammed into her. Skin slapped. My cock hardened again.
I shouldn’t have cared what the VP was doing. It was none of my business. Who gave a fuck about monogamy, anyway? I hadn’t grown up that way and couldn’t live my life presuming I could be a woman’s everything. What man could?
As far as fucking went, no one in the club only fucked one person, besides those with ol’ ladies who chose to be tied down for the rest of their lives. I still didn’t think that was a fair deal for Bou, Roni, Lanie, or Maddie, but everyone had to live with their own choices.
But the men’s needs were why we kept enough sweetbutts around the clubhouse. Variety, but nothing serious. It always did good for the boys to have girls around shaking their asses and exposing their pussies. Sure, many of the girls hoped they would be chosen to not be a club slut for the rest of their lives, but I’d rarely seen a patched member make an ol’ lady out of a bunny.
The brothers didn’t see them as much more than a hole, or three.
“Do you want a go too?” asked Sas without slowing his pace. He slid out of her pussy to the tip of his cock, before he rammed deep inside of her. He didn’t wear a condom.
“You can have me next,” said Kaos through ragged breaths.
“No, now,” ordered Sas, pulling out of her pussy.
Kaos fell forward on the bed.
“Sas, I wasn’t done,” she whined, her bottom lip protruding. Her juices slipped out of her pussy.
She tried to reach for him, but Sas batted her hand away. “Your pussy is still mine.”
Removing his cut, Sas draped it over the chair in the corner. His erect cock swung, head purple and length shiny with her juice. He kicked off his shoes, then he pulled off his pants and boxers before laying down on the bed.
Kaos leaned over, dropping her jaw like she meant to suck him off, but Sas shook his head. She waited back on her heels, cutting a look between Sas and me. Was she as crazy as the others said?
“Wrap that pussy around my cock,” ordered Sas.
Without a word, though still glancing at me, Kaos swung her leg over Sas to straddle him. His cock rubbed against her belly and reached toward her tits.
I had to adjust myself to allow my cock to line up with my fly without pain.
Kaos raised to her knees and gathered the head of his cock, placing it at the base of her pussy. Though she was already stretched and wet, she took Sas in slowly, but then the VP raised his hips. He grabbed her hips and slammed her down, then lifted her skirt and slapped a hand on her ass.
“Don’t move,” he demanded, and Kaos braced a hand on his pecs.
Sas moved his other hand around her body, grabbing both of her ass cheeks. Her skin was tinged red from how hard he had been slamming into her. Bruises marked her skin. Every guy in the MC had taken a turn with Kaos at one time or another.
Sas slid his fingers between her ass crack and then pulled her cheeks apart, revealing her anus. She whimpered, moved on him, and he jerked his hips into her. Settling into a rhythm, she didn’t make another sound.