Page 89 of Their Princess
My cock twitched. It hadn’t done that around Adelina since I had her up against the wall, holding her hair very much like this. I noticed then how soft it was. How small she was. I had always towered over people, but this was different.
I wanted to grab her and pull her up until she couldn’t touch the ground. To throw her body around just to watch her bend. Salty tears could turn those dark lashes spiky, and she could beg for reprieve, but I would relish every last sob and plea.
I would soak up the feel of her nails scoring my skin until she drew blood. And then she would scream out my name or Graff’s or...
“You’re all finished, Adelina,” said Graff.
Releasing my hold from her hair, I dragged my gaze away from Adelina and said to Graff, “I thought you were just getting started.”
“No, we were close to done.” Graff stripped off his rubber gloves.
The dark lines wrapped into a flower—one of those fucking poisonous things we had out on the front of the clubhouse—on her red-tinged skin. It spread from her waist along her ribcage. I touched her skin around the stem, and Graff growled. But Adelina didn’t flinch. Didn’t even show an ounce of pain. Interesting.
Graff pulled out some goop and smeared it over his work then spread the clear, Saran Wrap–like bandage over the thing.
“Your father is going to have a heart attack,” said Rafe. “Worse, your mother...”
“She’ll scream. Cry. Pray for my soul,” listed Adelina, standing and slipping on her sweatshirt. “And I don’t really give a shit.”
I tried to catch a flash of her breasts, but she moved too quickly. Good thing I had a solid imagination. Or... I could always just rip it off her body and pull off her pants and shove my cock deep and hard into her—one thrust—just to hear her cry out. Damn, her screams would be music to my ears.
Maybe they would also shut down whatever it was about her that kept my attention like this. Fuck her. Get it over with. Move the fuck on.
“This will keep the area clean, and it’ll fill up with some plasma, but that’s nothing to worry about. We’ll change that bandage in two days,” said Graff.
Adelina reached for him, grabbed his chin between her thumb and forefinger, and smacked a kiss on his lips. “Thanks.” She then pulled away, a small smile lighting her face.
My cock hardened, and I curled my hands into fists, holding them down at my sides. Adelina did want him. They looked at each other like this was fucking Disney princess movie. But she was my fiancé, and there would be no happy endings for her. None of us who lived this life got any kind of sappy happily ever after.
“Go fuck him, princess,” I snarled at Adelina, motioning to Graff. “Let every one of my brothers take their turns.”
I stalked past her as Graff called out, “Veep!” He should’ve stopped yelling after me and taken his chance to fuck her.
Adelina must not have liked the thought because she followed me. Her tiny legs rushed to keep up. I already movedquickly, so she had to take three steps to my one. When I rounded a corner, I caught her disgruntled face. Her anger was so adorable. Now that she wasn’t under Graff, she was willing to fight.
Come and get me, princess, I thought, walking into my bedroom off the back hall. I caught the door with my hand, and turned the knob, thinking what a joy it would be to slam it in her face. But she caught me off guard and rammed her elbows into my back.
Fuck being tall when it threw me off balance. I had a higher center of gravity, and she was built like a miniature tank. I tripped into my room, just barely catching myself before I landed on my knees. Spinning around, I bared my teeth to tell her off, but she was closing the door behind her. Stupid little girl, locking herself inside the cage with a beast.
She wanted to play a game, and I was going all the fuck in.
I grabbed her and threw her against the wall.
Chapter Nineteen
Again,Sas had me against the wall by my throat, and I liked it.
Stupid me; I wanted it.
My hands wrapped around the wrist, feeling the muscles flex in his arm as he lifted me higher until only my tippy toes were on the ground. Towering over me, Sas drove his fist, knuckles first, into the wall next to my head, and I flinched. The wall didn’t splinter, but had it been two inches to the left... I didn’t want to think about that. Instead, I pushed my feet against the baseboard, using the wall to climb a little higher.
His wild eyes swung across my body and then narrowed on the spot where the zipper of my sweatshirt rested right between my breasts. My heart thudded violently, beating against my sternum, and every breath heaved my chest forward. The zipper was cool against my skin, the merge of the metal teeth incomplete and the fabric slid off my breasts, exposing my chest more.
And Sas seemed enthralled.
This was a power I didn’t know I held. The power to make him lose control. The power to toy with him like he thought he was doing with me. And I wanted so much more.