Page 82 of Neo
“My mom got engaged.”
“Oh, right, I think I heard that.”
“You know why I’m not angry about it?”
“Because you love your mom and you want her to be happy?”
“No, man, because it means that I’ll be forever connected to Kennedy. I’m free to terrorize her for the rest of our days.” He laughs.
“Terrorize?” I scoff. “I think you mean fuck.”
“Whoa, man, you need to chill out.”
“I mean it, Shane. Both of us have to stop all of this passive aggressive shit or we’re going to be alone for the rest of our lives. You’re not some ten-year-old boy who wants to terrorize his new baby sister. You are a grown ass man who is bat shit crazy for that girl. Just tell her.”
“You asshole. I’m not taking relationship advice from you. You’ve pushed away your teammates, alienated Coach, but most importantly, you’ve lost the one person who actually seemed to love your ass. What could you possibly have to teach me?”
His words hold a cruel sting as he leaves the locker room, the sound of his footsteps fading into silence. I’m alone with my thoughts, a dangerous place to be these days. The echoes of my past mistakes bounce off the walls, taunting me.
* * *
The next few practices are just as grueling as the last. I get in a few scuffles with some of my teammates and sulk most of the time. Later, Coach Mike approaches me with a serious look on his face. I’m sure he’s about to tell me that he’s stripping me of captain and giving it to Shane.
“You still haven’t straightened yourself out, I see.”
“I just have a lot on my mind, Coach.”
“Which is why I hate to bring this up, but President Harmon wants a meeting with you today.”
I’ve had very little interactions with the university’s charismatic president since I’ve been a student here. He tends to only show up to hockey games where there’s a press opportunity. The fact that he wants to see me, though, can only mean one thing. He wants to give his pitch for me staying at VCU and finishing my degree, which would also mean helping the team win a championship that he so desperately wants.
Championships mean more dollars to the university. Winning attracts money. It’s that simple. And I understand all of that, but I don’t want to get into it with him. I’ve already made my decision. A decision that cost me the one person I care about the most in this world. I’m leaving and there’s nothing he can say to change my mind. It would be a waste of time for the both of us.
“Do I have to go?” I ask Coach, already dreading the answer.
“It would be in your best interest to take the meeting, hear what he has to say, and then tell him what he wants to hear. Tell him you’ll give what he said some serious thought,” he advises.
“And then come to your own decision, like we discussed.”
“I can do that,” I say, knowing full well that the decision has been made.
“Let me know how it goes, son.”
After a hot showerand my post workout smoothie, I stride into President Harmon’s office, my heart pounding a fierce rhythm against my ribcage. The room is posh, lined with mahogany bookshelves and adorned with prestigious awards. President Harmon, a stocky man with a stern face, sits behind his oversized desk, his eyes meeting mine with an unnerving intensity.
“Neo, have a seat,” he says, gesturing to the chair across from him.
I sit down, my mind racing. This meeting, out of the blue, has me on edge. He steeples his fingers, eyeing me like a chess player contemplating his next move.
“Just came from practice?” he asks, eyeing the state of my wet hair.
“Yes, sir. Getting ready for the big game.”