Page 1 of My Sweet Psycho
Chapter 1
My anger was illogical. I acknowledged this internally, but it didn't dispel my irritation. I glanced behind me to see whose family wasn't behaving like a normal dysfunctional one—the one where everyone sat to eat a meal in silence with an electronic device in one hand. My eyes narrowed on the parents before I glanced at the back of their children's heads. The older girl was feeding her father with her chopsticks. I rolled my eyes whilst trying not to gag. I turned back to face my friend.
“Why did I let you pick the restaurant?”
Kwan frowned at me.
“What? They have the best Korean food here,” he said before he resumed stuffing his face.
I sighed as I plucked a piece of beef from the charcoal grill in the middle of the table. The food was good, but the place was too busy because as it was a Friday night.
“Next time, let me know in advance, and I can book the surrounding tables as well,” I muttered before I dipped the meat in the sesame-dipping sauce.
“You’re still the stuck-up asshole that you were from school,” he said with a grin, no doubt to deflect from the harsh words.
“Whatever,” I said with a smile because he wasn't wrong.
My father is an asshole, so I was bound to pick up some of his traits. It felt good to be successful without his constant berating. I don't know how my mother put up with him for all these years. Thankfully, they only had one child. I don't think I could have watched a younger sibling being put through the same shit as I went through.
“My daughter, the budding orthodontist. We are so proud of you,yeobo,” I heard the man behind me say. “Perhaps you can find a man to date now.”
“Appa! I won't find anyone as sweet as you. Ugh, it’s pointless.”
I put my chopsticks down in disgust and picked up mysoju. He called her darling in Korean.
Who did that?
I needed much more alcohol in my system to put up with the sickeningly sweet mess behind me.
“What’s wrong with your face?” Kwan asked as he pointed the wooden chopsticks in my direction.
I downed my drink before I glared at him. It was his fault that I was stuck listening to the shit from the perfect family from hell.
“My face is perfect,” I said tightly.
“Hmm. Only to women,” he said, but then he frowned before he grinned and lowered his chopsticks to pick up his drink. “And probably to gay men. You are the pretty type they like. I’d consider fucking you if I was gay.”
“No, if I were gay, I would be doing the fucking. So you would be my bitch,” I said with a smirk.
I topped up my glass. At least I had the driver with me tonight. I could drink as much as I wanted. It dulled my senses enough for me to continue to enjoy my meal and catch up with Kwan.
A flash of pink caught my eye, and I glanced at the young woman walking towards me. She looked so young, but her body was most definitely that of a woman. The light pink material was see-through but only on her arms. It buttoned up to her neck but fitted perfectly over her breasts. I forced my eyes away from her chest as her long, dark hair flowed around her as she continued to walk.
Her eyes were stunning, with dark lashes only to give her a more soulful look. My eyes dropped to her soft pink lips, making my heart beat faster. For a split second, our eyes met, but her gaze moved behind me, and I felt a pang of disappointment before a feeling of anger surged through. My head swivelled around to follow her, but I only saw the back of her as she sat beside her family. Of course, she sat her perfect ass beside the perfect family who had killed my vibe all night.
“A final toast for Nari,” the father said as he raised his glass. His face shone with love and happiness. “May you stop watching rude movies and find a real man,” he finished with a chuckle.
Nari groaned and flung her head down into her waiting hands as her parents laughed at her discomfort. The younger girl put an arm around her until Nari turned towards her. I smiled at her discomfort and wondered what kind of rude movies she watched.
“This is what you have to look forward to, Aera,” Nari said as she hugged her sister.
“I doubt it. I’m only thirteen and in a love triangle,” she giggled.
“Why don't you give your sister some tips?” the father said.
My eyes snapped towards the back of Nari’s head. The thought of some faceless random man around her made me want to pummel him to death.