Page 25 of My Sweet Psycho
I was having lunch at my desk because I wanted to clear as much work for the upcoming projects as possible before the wedding. I hired a wedding planner, and she was one of the best in the industry. Nari chose a gold and ivory theme, and I wanted lilies as the flowers because of Nari’s name. The paperwork was registered for the marriage, and our families would meet tomorrow. My father wasn't pleased with my ‘sudden’ decision, not that I gave a shit.
I hadn't checked Nari’s phone today, so I opened her app to check her location. She was still in class. I checked the time because she might be on a lunch break. When I was about to call her, I saw the group chat notifications and froze when I read the conversation.
Nari:Hi, babe. I hope you're having a good day. I'm going to meet up with the girls after class today to discuss the bridesmaid dresses, so don't send Jason to pick me up.
I stared at her text to me.
Why didn't she tell me about her professor?
Me:Okay, baby. Let me know where you are going, and I will get you.
Nari:Nothing specific planned yet, but we will be in the Covent Garden area.
Me:Have fun with your girls. I will see you tonight.
Nari refused to move in with me before the wedding, but I persuaded her to stay with me on the weekends. She didn’t want to leave her family any sooner than needed, and I respected her wishes.
I put my phone down and looked up the dental school’s teachers until I found the dirty bastard who propositioned Nari. Dr J. Zieburg would be feeling my wrath very soon. He made a grave error in touching my fiancée. This motherfucker had a death wish. Now I had to cancel my work and hunt this bastard fuck-cunt pervert down.
I rummaged through Zieburg’s closets. With the amount of porn I found on his laptop, that should be enough evidence to hold over him. He was handy and had a backup hard drive which was in my pocket. What a sad little fuck. It seemed like his divorce made him escalate matters. He had recordings of what I presumed were other students.
The bastard probably relived it all by keeping mementoes of the various girls. Once I’d secured his laptop in my car, I sat in his living room waiting for him. Nari was with her friends, and I would pick her up as soon as I was done with this motherfucking pervert. I wasn't upset with Nari for not telling me because, from the sound of it on their group chat, she would handle it by taking it further. It enraged me that the dirty little fuckcunt had stressed her out so much.
I heard the keys in the door, and with a smile, I stood up to welcome Dr Zieburg home. I waited for him to close the door and lock it before I put some music on. He lived in a semi-detached house, and I didn't want anyone to call the police before I was done with him.
“What the hell?” he muttered as I heard him walk towards the living room.
I swung my baseball bat, but he lifted his arm, and I heard the dull thud against his arm before he howled in pain. I pulled the dirty washcloth I’d taken from his kitchen and stuffed it in his mouth while he tried to push me away with his good arm. I swiped my leg at him, aiming for his ankles, so he collapsed on the floor.
“I have your laptop. I know what you have been doing to your students. So I suggest you don't remove that cloth from your mouth,” I said while tapping the baseball bat against the wooden floor.
His hand froze on the cloth, and he let it go and raised his hands in surrender.
“Good. Now, which hand did you touch Nari with?”
He began to cry like a pussy which only enraged me more. The thought of my precious girl near a scumbag like him made me want to kill him and dispose of the body. I swung my bat repeatedly over his ankle until it was a bloody mess. His face was bright red, and he was rocking side to side from the pain. His muffled sobs of pain were delightful.
“Which hand?”
He raised his uninjured hand.
“That's a pity,” I said with a grin and pushed his hand down with my foot before I worked on smashing his hand to smithereens.
He wasn't ever going to touch another student again. I pushed my hair back to see if he was still conscious. His eyes fluttered, so I sat over him and lifted him by the scruff of his shirt.
“If anyone asks you how you got injured, you tell them you were in a car accident. Do noteverlook at Nari again,” I said as I pummelled his face with my fists. The thought of what he was and how he dared to try that filth on my woman made me insane. “You nasty fuck,” I hissed at him.
When he passed out, I threw him on the floor, enjoying the sound of his skull hitting the wooden floor. My knuckles were cut. I hadn't intended to get bloody, but there was blood spatter all over my shirt. I checked the time and decided I had enough time to change before picking Nari up.
I stood up and looked at the bloody body by my feet, and I couldn't resist, so I stomped on the sick bastard's crotch. Once, I looked around the room and straightened my jacket. I took the bat and put my gloves on before I left, using the backdoor to exit.
I had a contact in the police force and knew I could trust the footage with him. All I had to do was get him the laptop and hard drive anonymously, and he would do the rest. Zieburg needed to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I wasn't about to set him free to prey on young women. I thought of Nari’s innocent little sister. Her family was close to her heart. Therefore, they fell under my protection.