Page 31 of My Sweet Psycho
“Shut the fuck up, old man and get out of my office,” I said raising my voice over his before I leaned towards him. “You're lucky there are cameras around my office or I would savour giving you some payback,” I said quietly. “Leave before I call security.”
He sat and stared at me momentarily before the familiar, cruel look entered his eyes. “After everything I did for you, you snivelling little shit? You ran off like a coward.”
I remained silent and watched his festering rage ooze out. He must have held onto that shit for years.
“At least I didn't need to build my success off the back of a woman’s wealth like a little bitch.”
He stood up, but he knew I would beat him up to a bloody pulp, so he turned around and walked out of my office. I texted my Mum to let her know what transpired so that her guard was up. No matter how much I begged her to leave, she wouldn't. Nari’s parents still loved one another; from my observations, it was genuine. My father couldn't love anyone but himself.
Chapter 20
I decided that I loved cooking in Tae’s kitchen. My mum’s kitchen was hers, and it was difficult to get to cook in it because she always took over. Overall, I was impressed by what I had created. It helped that my music blared beneath my headphones. I picked up the wooden spoon, held it close to my mouth, and began to sing as the chorus came on. No one was here to tell me to keep it down so I could belt it out.
“I fell in love with the devil, and now I’m in trouble. I fell in love with the DEVIL. I’m underneath his spell. Someone send me an ANGEL…”
I opened my eyes to see Tae standing before me, and my heart almost exploded in fright. The spoon fell from my hands to clatter on the floor. Since I was in my mid-twirl, my legs were tangled, and I began to fall back. He caught me by my waist and pushed me against the counter. He wore his dark navy suit with a pale blue shirt from earlier, so he must have just gotten home. I pulled the headphones off until they rested on the back of my neck.
“You scared me,” I said with my heart still pounding.
“Interesting song, baby. Should I be worried?” he murmured against my neck before he sniffed me.
“Ugh, don't. I probably smell like onions and garlic.”
“My favourite,” he said as he traced his tongue up my neck.
This is what he did to me. One kiss or a neck lick, and I was so damn horny, but he still wouldn't give me what I really needed.
“Stop toying with me and go get changed,” I grumbled, thoroughly embarrassed that he had caught me dancing and screaming from the top of my lungs.
“So temperamental,” he said with a grin, but he released me.
I turned the music down to stop it from blasting out of the headphones.
“It’s all your fault for driving me crazy,” I shouted to his retreating back before I picked up the wooden spoon from the floor.
When he returned, my apron was off, and the table was set.
“Woah, you made all this?” he asked as he eagerly sat down.
I nodded with a smile as he picked up the silver chopsticks.
“They are a gift from my mum. She gave us a full set,” I said, nodding towards the soup spoon.
I’d made rice, oxtail soup, omelette rolls, salad, and a few other shop-bought side sauces.
“Tell her I said thank you,” he said with a smile. “And thank you for cooking dinner for us tonight.”
“You're welcome,” I said with a grin.
“Do I get a song and dance with dinner?” he asked, his eyes twinkling with delight.
“No, it’s only one per night,” I said in a prim and proper voice. “Eat before it gets cold.”
It wasn't until we had finished eating that Tae told me that his Dad came to his office. I simply listened when he told me what was said.
“Do you think your mum will come to the wedding?” I asked.