Page 53 of My Sweet Psycho
“You don't have to cook all the time, Mum,” I said as I picked up a piece of carrot from the salad and popped it in my mouth.
“I want to. It helps keep me occupied,” she said as she pulled the ribs out of the oven and placed them on the kitchen counter.
“You will be busy with a baby in about 7 or 8 months,” I said as I saw her look over at Nari before she looked at me in shock. “You're going to be aHalmoni.”
She let out a cry and began to hug me. I kissed her greying hair and held her. When she began to sniff, I pulled back.
“No tears because the ribs will get cold,” I said, wiping her tears away with my fingers. “No more tears.”
Her eyes darkened with emotion, but she nodded and touched my cheek before she went to hug Nari, who stood to meet her. I carried all the food and set it on the table while they chatted. When we began to eat, I was feeding Nari while taking bites of my own food.
“May you both always remain this happy and loving with one another,” my Mum said as she watched us.
I squeezed my Mum’s hand.
“Mum, does the kimchi have any ginger in it?”
“Yes, why?”
“Nari loves ginger,” I said with a smirk as I moved my chopsticks around in the kimchi to find a piece for her.
She pinched my waist viciously by digging her nails into my flesh. The pain made me pause.
“You will pay for that tonight,” I whispered to her.
“You're probably rubbing your psycho behaviour off on me,” she said with a sweet smile as she let go of my waist. “Which makes it your fault.”
My sweetheart had come a long way, and we both rubbed off on one another. She could be as feisty as she wanted as long as she was always with me.
I smiled when I saw my father sitting in his wheelchair. The nurse left the room, and I crouched down to look into his eyes. His face was expressionless, but his usual angry eyes were dull and lifeless.
“Are you in there, old man?” I whispered. “You shouldn't have fucked with my wife. I’m not six anymore. You didn't break me then, and now you never will. You won’t harm my family again.”
His eyes began to focus on me, but his face remained expressionless.
“Good, you are in there. I want you to know that I fucked your brakes up. You were supposed to die, but this is so much better,” I said with a smile before I patted his cheek. “Nari was never yours to touch; that was your fatal mistake.”
I saw a flash of anger in his eyes, but other than a blink, he didn't move.
“I only held back because of Mum. I have your evil blood running through my veins. You reap what you sow, Father,” I said as I slapped his leg before I stood up.
Eventually, once I weaned my Mum away from him, he would live in a care home. He showed us no mercy, and I would return the favour with interest. I smiled as I wheeled my father out of the hospital.
I only stayed long enough to put him in the wheelchair-accessible Taxi I ordered for him. The home help would put him in his room. I’d booked a spa day for my mum, so she didn't need to see him for the day.
I sat in my car and pulled my phone out as Jason took us to the office. Thomas had sent me my afternoon fix pictures of Nari. I leaned into my seat to flick through them. The obsession never dimmed after marriage, as I thought it might. It got worse, and now that she was pregnant, I felt it spiralling out of control. It took time and effort to rein in all my wild thoughts. Locking her up to keep her safe was not an option, no matter how tempting it was.
I wanted the estate built by the time the baby was born. I’d bought the land, which came with planning permission for multiple dwellings. It was a perfect location on the outskirts of London. Crime rates played a massive factor in choosing the land. Our children would be surrounded by love.
I switched my phone over to my hidden app to check on Nari’s location and any new messages or posts she’d made. She might have made her request, but I never promised her to stop stalking her. I learned from my mistakes and hid the evidence better.
“Will you be having lunch with Mrs Choi today?” Jason asked.
I glanced at her messages before replying.
“No, I won't need you to pick her up until her class finishes,” I said with a faint smile. I suspected Nari would tell her friends about the baby.