Page 46 of His Mansion
Rope Gun: Slang title for the climber who does all the leading.
Melanie pivoted in front of the mirror, frowning in dissatisfaction. She smoothed her hands down the second T-shirt she’d layered on. Unless a person knew exactly where to look, no signs of her accident showed. Of course, that equaled no skin visible anywhere, which meant she wasn’t very sexy, and therein lay her dilemma.
There had to be some kind of rulebook she’d neglected to read that could guide her through this situation, but the feverish heat pulsing through her veins and the ache between her legs continued to distract her. A girly-girl she wasn’t, but surely even she could manage to pull together one outfit that was a little less “here I am, I’m covered” and a little more “here I am, want to uncover me?”
She changed clothing five times before she forced herself to stop.
In a few short minutes, Derrick James had turned her on and left her revving on high. Although she was embarrassed at her emotional outburst, it hadn’t seemed to bother him. On the contrary, he must have had getting close to her on his mind before that moment. Guys got turned on fast—she knew that from too many years of close contact in confining quarters when her co-ed team had traveled to competitions. But Derrick? He had struck her as far more mature than the trigger-happy youths on her climbing team.
And the way he’d kissed her? Okay, the idea of being in someone’s bed hadn’t been on her agenda for a long time for a lot of reasons. After her last horrifying experience, she was not only afraid of his reaction, but her own. She didn’t want it to all be a bunch of motion with no grand finale. The fear she wouldn’t be able to relax enough to enjoy sex haunted her, and she wasn’t the type to fake an orgasm for anyone, especially herself.
After the lust-inspiring grope they’d shared, she wasn’t that concerned Derrick wouldn’t be able to get a response out of her.
But would he be able to handle what her body looked like under her clothing? And was she really ready to let anyone see the scars? The lingering pulse of interest said she might be willing to find out.
She walked back to the climbing center, the air warm enough she didn’t need a jacket with the long-sleeved shirt she wore like protective armor. Hiding from the stares of other people on the street had become second nature to her by now—and took far less energy.
Five minutes later the pounding pulse of a rock beat shook her before she even laid a hand on the door. She slipped inside and leaned on the wall, taking a slow look around to see who was climbing on Thursday night.
Families, youths and couples all filled the place with noise and laughter. Derrick had done a great job making the center somewhere for more than the elite to gather. She smiled as a dad belayed his son up the closest wall, the little guy maybe five years old and clinging like a gecko as he chatted excitedly.
Except when the kid breezed past the marker line where she’d frozen, Melanie turned away in disgust. Yeah, whatever. Next time she’d force herself to go higher. There had to be an end to fear at some point, right?
She spotted Derrick roped into a harness, lead belaying one of the stronger climbers. The biceps in his arms showed nicely as he fed out the rope a portion at a time, watching his partner closely. Adam swarmed up the wall, smooth and rhythmic in his motions. She was far enough to the side Derrick must have seen her, at least in his peripheral vision, but he did no more than wave a finger, his gaze fixed on the climber.
Adam reached to clip his rope into the hook of the next carabiner on the overhanging wall and missed. Melanie’s stomach tightened in a rush as the young man fell. A split second later she fought for breath—the rope Derrick held that attached to Adam’s harness had jerked him to a safe stop well above the ground. Good-natured laughter rang through the room as Adam was lowered the remaining distance, shaking his head sheepishly.
Derrick clapped hands with him and pointed at the holds, probably suggesting something different to try the next time. Adam nodded and the two unroped and separated. Derrick headed directly for her.
“You okay?” The concern on his face was touching and annoying at the same time. God, even watching another person fall made her stomach roll.
“Just a little shaky. Think I need some food.”
He undid the straps securing his waist belt. She tried not to stare in fascination at his hands working directly over his groin. Part of her wanted to reach out and volunteer to help him, any way she could. When she dragged her gaze higher, he tossed her one of his spine-melting smiles, his own interest shining in his eyes as he looked her over.
“I need to wash the chalk off my hands and put my belt away, then we can head out.”
It wasn’t that much later they were on the sidewalk, forced into close side-by-side proximity as newcomers brushed past them to enter the facility.
“You sure you can get away?” Melanie asked. “It looks busy tonight.”
“I’m fine. There’s enough staff on, and I usually take off Thursdays and work the late shift Friday and Saturday.”
“That must interfere with your social life.”Oh, that was smooth, Mel.Not. Way to sound as if she was digging for information. Which she totally was, but still. She didn’t think he had a regular girlfriend, not with the way he’d kissed her. He had asked her out, but before she dove into anything, she’d like to know a little more about the big picture. Their private lives were not a subject they’d discussed over the past weeks.
“I get plenty of time for friends. The gym is closed at nine those days, and five on Sundays, so it’s not like I’m there until two a.m. or anything.” They dodged a group of skateboarders hanging out in a circle on the corner of the street. Derrick pulled her closer to his side as a few of the gang turned and eyed her.
The touch of his fingers as he kept hold of her trickled tiny rays of heat up her arm and into her body, and she suddenly wished she’d been brave enough to simply wear a tank top so he’d be touching her skin.
Hmm, skin on skin. Another item to add to the collection of things she’d like to try again. Soon.
They were in the restaurant in two minutes flat—one of the joys of small-town living. Derrick pulled out a chair for her on the deck built along the main street. In the winter, Main Street was an eclectic shopping vista, with cozy coffee shops to hide from the weather. In the spring and summer, the town turned the downtown lane into the center of attention, with multiple outdoor sitting areas and the ever-present buskers providing street music for tossed coins.
“How are you enjoying living here?” Derrick leaned back in his chair. He was seated beside her, his right arm close to hers as he placed the menu back on the table. The hair on his arm brushed the back of her hand and her nipples tightened.
She was a sexual time bomb waiting to be triggered. She blew out a breath, ruffling her bangs, then smiled at him. “It’s been great. My brother told me this was a fun town to visit, but a little crazy to live in. He’s right.”