Page 62 of His Mansion
He pulled himself back to the present. “Here’s the deal—Melanie and I are solid as far as I can tell, but she’s still got issues in terms of body image because of her scars. And yet, up pops this dude from her past, and she’s not only interested, he is as well. And I’m fucking freaking out because instead of wanting to kill him, I’m thinking this is exactly what Melanie needs—to be admired by someone else, and not just me.”
Jack stared out the window at the street for a moment, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. “You do this crap even better than Kane. That’s a tough one. I’m no shrink, but when someone’s been through an incident like Melanie, it makes sense that it’s a long road to full recovery. It’s probably a positive sign that she’s showing an interest in someone. I mean, not that it’s great for you or anything.”
Derrick waved a hand. “I mean it—things are good between us. She confessed to me she had a crush on him way back when. He obviously has an interest in her. He was taking pictures earlier, and the room just screamed with thisfuck metension. Only, I’m wigging out because I’m not…”
He trailed off, not sure how to explain it right.
“…not feeling possessive?” Jack offered.
Derrick swore. “I’m fucked in the head, aren’t I?”
Jack laughed. “Well, that makes us even, because I get the same damn reaction every time I catch Kane and Dara getting naked together. I wait for the flare of anger to hit, and when it doesn’t arrive I wonder if my balls are going to shrivel up and fall off in punishment for denying my manhood.”
The picture of totally-in-charge Jack taking a backseat didn’t sit right, but the confession made Derrick’s hope rise. “Really? I’d always thought you meekly sharing a woman seemed crazy.”
“Trust me, there’s nothing meek about it. It pissed me off for the first couple months at times, but now that we’ve been together in a committed relationship for eight months, I’m not sure how we managed before.” Jack held up a hand. “Don’t get me wrong, we still have fights, but considering there are two of us to deal with Dara when she’s hormonal? Much easier than having to figure out a woman all by yourself.”
“I’m not talking about forever, Jack. It just struck me maybe Nathan would be good for Mel short term.”
“Help her know that someone else feels she’s attractive?”
“That kind of thing, yeah.” Derrick laughed at himself. “Insane, right?”
Jack leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “Actually, no. I mean, it depends on the way you go about this. You’re not talking about taking off for a few weeks and letting the guy bonk her, are you?”
No freaking way.“Screw that. If she’s doing anything, it’s going to be with me there, making sure she’s okay all the time.”
“See, there’s where your situation and ours is different—although I guess our crazy situation began for a similar reason. You’re talking about something that helps you get to the end result that’s best for Melanie. Confidence in herself.”
Jack nodded. “I hear you. The only reason we started our three-way relationship was because it was the best thing for Dara at the time. And then it turned out to be the best thing for us all. Kane officially told his parents last month we’ve got this insane setup going. We’re…” Jack rolled his eyes. “Oh God, it’s fucking contagious. Now I’m the one acting like a girl. The three of us are buying a house together. Dara’s expecting.”
“Holy crap.” Derrick paused, considering. “Congrats.”
Jack’s instant brilliant smile wiped away the question if this was a good announcement—the pregnancy—or not. “Thanks. Keep it under your hat for a bit, though. We just got it confirmed, and Kane wants to be the one to let the rest of his family know. And before you ask, because it’s written all over your face, no, we don’t know who the dad is. Chances are we’ll figure it out when the kid arrives, since Kane and I have such different colouring, but we pretty much don’t care.”
A million questions rolled through Derrick’s brain, none of them related to his real dilemma. “You guys have a lot of guts. It’s not going to be easy, raising a kid in your unique household.”
“It’s going to work, because we’re committed to make it work. Like any long-term relationship.” Jack tilted his head at Derrick. “What about you? If this is serious, you and Melanie, you willing to do what it takes? Your situation isn’t exactly like ours, but it’s still the same question at the root of it.”
No, this wasn’t Jack and Kane’s situation with Dara at all. Derrick was sneakily suspicious he was falling in love with Melanie, and yet having Nathan join in and help show Mel that she was an attractive, vibrant woman in spite of the scars, seemed like the right thing to do for her sake.
The only reason she was doing the photo shoot was to help others. Screw that. She had needs as well, and he was willing to push past his comfort zone and make sure she got whatever it took for her to get that “full life” she longed for. Even if his solution wasn’t typical, adding another guy in the picture might be just the cure needed.
“You’re shitting me.”
Derrick ignored his comment, instead handing over a list. “You can get most of these things at Kane’s shop. I’ll loan you what I can, but you should make sure you have these items that fit properly.”
Nathan swore his mouth flapped like a fish while Derrick went on and on, continuing to list the places in town to find the camping supplies needed for their overnight trip.
Hell, no.That wasn’t where the first part of this conversation was going to stop. Nathan held up a hand, fingers spread in an attempt to arrest Derrick’s rapid info dump.
“Back up, man. What the fuck did you just tell me? Before the camping shit.” Because he really had to be going deaf.
Derrick sighed as he turned back to his desk. “Damn it, don’t make me say it more than once.”
“I think you need to repeat it until it sinks into my brain. Did you just suggest that while we’re out on this trip, I should try to seduce Melanie?”