Page 105 of Freeing Emily
She nods then knocks back the additional shots she ordered.
I spine her to face me, “Do you think it might be best to slow down?” I ask.
“Everything is fine.” She repeats, turning to face Sarah.
I meet Rhys’s eyes and he raises his brow. I subtly shake my head and purse my lips.
Emily’s posture is stiff, and I hate that I don’t know what is going through her head. I hate that I don’t know how to help her feel at ease.
Sarah’s phone pings and she quickly moves to capture everyone’s attention.
“They’re here!” she shouts.
Everyone quiets down and waits for Paige and Declan to step into the ballroom.
We’re the only ones who know Paige is aware of the party, everyone else still thinks it’s a surprise so the moment the doors open, they all shout “Surprise!”.
Paige startles but quickly shakes it off and begins laughing with excitement. Sarah and Emily rush to greet her, pulling each other into tight embraces.
Rhys and I step up to Declan and shake hands with him and slap him on the back.
“Congratulations, Paige,” Rhys says, pulling her into a hug.
“Thank you so much for doing all of this, you guys. It looks beautiful.” She tips her head and slowly spins, taking in all the decorations.
Despite the smile on her face, Emily is clearly very uncomfortable. When she catches my gaze, she gives me a tight smile.
I pull her into my arms and kiss her temple. “I love you,” I whisper into her ear.
She peers up at me, her eyes are sad but also filled with love. “I love you, too.”
She quickly steps away and heads back toward the bar. I am at her heels the entire way and when she tries to order another set of shots, I tell the bartender to bring her water instead.
“What are you doing?” she frowns.
“You haven’t eaten yet and have already taken four shots,” I reply with a hard stare.
Her chin lifts defiantly. “I told you that I’m fine, Liam.”
I cup the back of her nape and bring her face closer to mine. “Your mouth says one thing, but your actions and body say another.”
She tries to move away from me, but I tighten my grip.
“Talk to me, Emily.”
“There is nothing to talk about. I’m fine.” She hisses but her eyes hold no aggression.
Emily flicks her gaze over my shoulder and her blood drains from her face. I turn and spot Caetlin making her way over. She smiles at Emily, but Emily doesn’t return a smile. In fact, she’s barely breathing.
“What is wrong, Emily?”
She finally meets my eyes and doesn’t mask the panic in hers.
“I-I can’t be here.” She stutters.
Caetlin steps next to me and sets her hand on Emily’s shoulder.