Page 113 of Freeing Emily
I wrap my fingers around her hand and bring it to my chest, right above my heart.
“You feel that?” I whisper, caressing her skin with my thumb. She nods, staring at our hands. “I belong to you,Féileacán.There is no force strong enough that will ever make me walk away.”
The moonlight dances across her face when she peers at me through her lashes. The glow casts a halo around her, causing my heart to thump rapidly in my chest.
Her fingers twitch when she feels the change in my heartbeat.
“I love you,Féileacán.”
She swallows and clears her throat. “I love you too, Liam.”
It’s been three days since Liam and I walked through the grounds in the middle of the night. The truth in his eyes was unmistakable. I’m trying not to let my fear of his walking away get to me. I’m trying to trust that we’re going to get through this. ThatIam going to get through this.
I walk into the mansion and make my way toward the kitchen. Yes, Liam and I have a kitchen and Niall has offered to come cook for us there when he’s not here, but I like the comfort of eating here.
When I step into the room, it’s empty. My brows furrow as I scan the kitchen and pantry.
“Is anyone here?” I ask loudly.
A few moments later, Declan walks in with his hands in his pockets. “I had everyone leave for a little while.”
“What’s going on?” my mind starts to race with negative thoughts. “Is everything okay?”
Declan holds his hands up to keep me from going into a panic. “Everything is fine. Paige has just been having a rough day and wants to be alone.”
My brows pinch with worry. “Is she okay?”
Bowing his head, he rubs the back of his neck. “She had a nightmare and it really hit her hard.”
Paige had the worst of the violence in comparison to me. She was beaten, tortured, and raped every day. The brutality she faced is unlike anything I’d ever heard of before. While I internalize my trauma and keep quiet. Paige has released the anger and resentment that was trapped in her body.
She tortured and murdered some of the men that Declan captured during our rescue.
“Do you think it’s because she hasn’t let out any of her emotions?”
The last few months have been uneventful as far as any altercations with anyone in the underground. Paige used violence to battle the violence she had inside, and I wonder if not having that is causing her to have nightmares again.
Declan rubs the scruff on his jaw and stares distantly at the ground. “It’s more than likely. We haven’t needed to kill anyone in a while, so she hasn’t had anything to keep her distracted from whatever goes through her head.”
“Maybe she could find something else to help her? Has she tried writing in a journal?” I ask.
He nods. “She started after you suggested it.” He sighs and then stuffs his hands back into his pockets. “I think writing it all out is making her truly face what happened to her and actually deal with all her emotions instead of the ones she wants.”
I walk over to my brother and wrap my arms around his middle. His arms wrap around me, and he rests his chin on my head. “I’m here if you or Paige need me.”
His lips press against my hair. “How are you feeling?” he whispers.
I pull away and releases me from his embrace. “I’m taking one day at a time,” I answer honestly.
He gives me a tight smile and nods. “And Liam?”
My brow raises and I tilt my head. “What about him?”
“Is he still treating you right?”
I smirk at him and cross my arms over my chest. “Nowyou ask how he’s treating me?”
Smirking, Declan rolls his eyes and gently pushes my shoulder with his fist. “Got a reputation of an overbearing protective older brother to maintain.”