Page 12 of Freeing Emily
“What do you want?” I croak. My throat burns from thirst. It’s been several hours since I’ve been given any water.
I receive no response and I no longer sense him. Once again, I’m left alone with my thoughts.
I resent Liam for the time we lost. For the love, I was forced to shove down into the recesses of my heart. I’ve tried to understand his reasoning for abandoning me but have come up empty. How could he forfeit what we had? Was I not good enough? Was I really just a warm body to sink into for the time being?
I’ve asked myself these questions again and again. My ma says that the love I deserve is coming but when? When will it be my chance for a happy ending?
Obviously, that’s not something that will ever happen, seeing as I’m Vladimir’s prisoner and Nikolai’s toy.
Closing my eyes, I will my ears to block out the agonizing screams of the women outside my cell and fall asleep.
“So, tell me about this Liam boy.” My ma strokes my hair from where my head lies on her lap. Her fingers gently massage my scalp in a soothing motion.
I shrug, “There isn’t much to tell, ma. I just met him a couple of weeks ago. But I don’t know how to explain this feeling. I just want to be near him. All. The. Time.”
She chuckles softly. “I know how that is,mo stór.And do you know how he feels?”
I give a small shake of my head. “No, but it’s almost as if he gets tongue-tied around me.” I turn over to look up at her. Her blue eyes, which are nearly identical to mine and Declan’s, soften. “He gets all stiff and struggles to make eye contact with me sometimes.”
“Have you spent any time alone with him?”
“Just in passing. But…” I smile. “Whenever we glance at each other from across any room. My breath stalls, Ma.”
Her smile widens, and her head tilts slightly.
“My skin gets tingly as soon as he walks into a room. It’s like I sense him before I see him.”
She chuckles and I blush.
“You probably think it’s silly,” I say with a sigh and then turn back to my side.
“No, my love. In fact, I know exactly how that feels.”
I stare at the intricate swirls of the blanket at the end of my bed.
“Do you think… Do you think you can talk with daid about me possibly exploring something with Liam?” I whisper as if I’m afraid my father is on the other side of my bedroom door.
Her hands pause and move to my shoulder. I turn my head and meet her eyes.
“Of course, Emily. I’m sure he will understand once I explain to him how you're feeling.”
“Thank you, ma. I really think there is something there.”
She gently caresses my cheek with the back of her forefinger as she stares down at me.
“When you know, you know.”
As I’m walking down the steps of the mansion, I spot Liam walking in my direction. His head is down, looking at his phone, but his steps falter and his head whips up. When he sees me looking at him, his eyes widen slightly. Pocketing his phone, he licks his lips, and then slowly walks up to me.
“Hi,” I whisper.
He clears his throat and offers me a small smile. “Hi, Emily.”
The way he says my name sends chills down my spine. I subtly bite my lower lip before returning his smile.
“What are you doing today?” he asks, shifting on his feet.
“I was actually headed toward the garden. Do you want to come with me?”