Page 21 of Freeing Emily
“Don’t cry,Féileacán.”
I swipe at my cheeks, “The necklace is gone, Liam. They took it from me.”
The sensation of his arms wrapping around me warms my skin, but only slightly.
“The necklace isn’t what’s important, Em. The feelin’ is. The happiness you felt that day. That moment. That’s what’s important. Hold on to that.”
“Why?” I ask in a broken whisper.
“Because you need to hold on. I’m comin’ for you.”
I let out a humorless snort.
“I’m comin’, Em. Just hold on.”
I can feel his presence begin to flicker in and out. I know my time with him is coming to an end. I feel his lips press against my forehead and I choke out a sob.
“Please don’t leave me here alone, Liam.” I reach out a hand, but it falls onto my lap. Mocking me for even trying because he’s not really there.
“Keep holdin’ on.” He whispers.
And then he’s gone.
I shoot up to the demonic scream that fills my ears. My heart is racing and my body trembles with uncontrollable fear.
My head whips around, trying to find the source of the sound. Do I really want to know? No, but I can’t fathomnotknowing who or what made that sound.
The energy of the room becomes heavy with the promise of overpowering cruelty.
My heart lurches into my throat when my eyes meet glowing red ones boring into me from the top corner of the room. I press myself tightly against the wall, trying to make myself smaller.
The eyes move lower, and I can make out the dark figure in which they inhabit. Fear, unlike anything I’ve ever felt, dominates every cell in my body.
“Who – who are you?” I stutter.
The chuckle that the creature let out, makes my blood curdle in my veins.
“Why, I’myou.”
I’m frozen in place. My muscles refuse to move as I watch the creature crawl down the wall. When it reaches the ground, its body twists in broken movements until it stands in a hunched position. Its height is otherworldly.
“I’m what is living inside you, right now.”
Its voice skates down my body like ice and I shiver. I whimper when it smiles and reveals sharp, jagged teeth that are dripping with a black, sticky liquid.
My eyes slam shut. “You’re not real. You’re not real. You’re not real.” I mutter.
The creature laughs loudly, and it pounds into my head. It echoes against the walls of my prison. I can’t contain the trembling of my limbs or the coiling of my stomach.
I can feel its face sitting just centimeters from mine. The putrid stench of death permeates the air.
“I’m as real as you are breathing.”
When I don’t answer, its claw grazes my flesh.
“Look at me.” It demands.