Page 25 of Freeing Emily
Slow clapping to my left pulls my attention from reloading another weapon.
“Excellent form,” Rhys says with a smirk.
“What do you want?” I ask.
“Just seeing if my guess is correct.” He steps toward me, and I raise a brow.
“You’re fucking Emily, aren’t you?”
I glare at him, and he shakes his head, letting out a huff.
“You either got some balls on you, or you’re fecking stupid.”
Shoving the magazine into the new pistol, I ignore Rhys and get into position. My heart pounds in my ears from how fast my blood is coursing through my veins.
Taking a deep breath, I release it slowly and press on the trigger. The bullet goes flying with a loudbang!And hits the target directly in the center.
Like I said. I never miss.
Rhys steps up to my left and takes the gun from me.
I let out an annoyed growl and spin to face him.
“Piss off.”
“You’re treading very dangerous waters, my friend.” He levels me with his deep green eyes.
“I haven’t the slight clue what you’re talkin’ ‘bout.”
“Don’t bullshit me, Liam.”
I swing my arms outward in annoyance. “What do you want from me?”
“Stop whatever you’re doing with Emily before Declan or Conor finds out.”
Rhys has me by a good three inches, so I raise my chin slightly to meet his eyes when he steps close enough for our noses to nearly touch.
“You’re going to get yourself killed.”
Anger flows freely through my body and I clench and unclench my fists.
His eyes bounce between mine and I watch as the realization hits him.
“You love her.” He says.
“Aye.” I nod.
He shakes his head, releasing a disappointed sigh, before stepping back.
“You’re fucked. Conor will never accept it. She’s set to marry Ryan Monroe.”
My heart collapses the moment the words leave his mouth. “What did you say?”
His eyes fill with sympathy. “Conor is going to announce her engagement to Ryan Monroe in one month. Why do you think he’s been having her spend so much time with him?”
I knew we were on borrowed time, but I didn’t realize it would come to an end so soon. We’ve only just started.