Page 97 of Freeing Emily
“She’s been doing great. She hasn’t had any issues with weaning off her medications, and Dr. Morrison is hopeful for her future.” I can feel Declan’s eyes burning through the seat and into my back.
“That’s amazing!” Paige exclaims with a clap of her hands. “Isn’t that great, Declan?”
“Yeah, I’m really happy she’s doing so well.” He says, his voice calm.
The tension in my spine seems to completely disappear. I’m glad I don’t need to defend myself against Declan again.Everything with Emily has been heaven and I won’t let anyone take that from us.
The clouds darken and soon the rain begins to shower from the sky.
“Great. Now the traffic is going to be shit. I swear, every time it rains people forget how to drive.” Rhys mutters angrily.
Not five minutes later are we sitting in traffic. Horns are honking and people are shouting at each other.
Pulling my phone from my pocket, I send a message to Emily.
It’s looking like I’m going to be a little while longer than I thought. The traffic is shit.
I’ll make it up to you.
When she doesn’t reply, I pocket my phone and get comfortable in my seat.
“Do you think it would be better to tell her that your mom is coming?” Paige asks Declan.
I catch Declan’s eyes in the side mirror.
“Er, I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” I say, turning to face Paige.
Her brows are pulled inward, and she tilts her head to the side.
“How come?”
I scrub my hand down my mouth, the scruff scratches my palm.
“She hasn’t been really speakin’ to her ma.” I say and I feel the burn of Declan’s stare against the side of my face.
“What do you mean?’ he asks, leaning forward and resting his forearms against his knees.
“You’ll need to ask her about that,” I answer before turning back around to face the windshield.
Declan’s hand wraps around my seat and he leans in. “What aren’t you telling us, Liam?” he says through clenched teeth.
“If Emily wants you to know, she’ll tell you herself.”
“Let’s see what she says when we get back home, yeah?” Paige whispers to Declan. He releases the seat and settles back, pulling Paige into his arms.
The rest of the drive is silent.
Some of the men get to work unloading Declan and Paige’s luggage as soon as Rhys parks the SUV in front of the mansion. Paige and Declan are huddled in each other’s arms in the field.
Before their flight home, Paige had asked Declan to make a detour to her ma’s home and I guess the whole ordeal finally got her. She bolted from the vehicle and ran through the grass before she fell. Declan chased her and they sat in the rain.