Page 18 of A Blackened Bond
She’s covered in bits of dirt and debris from the forest, yet still looks somewhat…beautiful.
My brows pinch together with the thought before I shake it away.
Annex’s laughter pulls me from my thoughts, a smile pulling at both his cheeks and mirroring Ezra’s as they continue to talk to her. And some strange cord pulls tightly around my chest.
I’d never seen either of them smile so…genuinely.
Mallyn draws nearer to them, his eyes never leaving Micai as he moves closer to her. What kind of magical pheromone did Micai have to pull all three of my brothers to her?
The ease and comfort that my brothers have with her is unnerving; how they even threw themselves in harm’s way without hesitation for her.
I thought she was a phase, something that would pass with a bit of time or the appearance of a better woman, but now…
“Of course not.” Annex’s words pull me back to whatever conversation they’re having. “My girl’s made of stronger steel.”
Annex wraps his arm back around Micai before dragging her toward him and Ezra.
“Yourgirl?” Questions Ezra with a playful brow raised.
“Mine, yours, ours.” Annex shrugs. “It’s all the same bro.”
He peers down at Micai, nestled between them. “No argument on it, Red?” His grin widens as she flickers her gaze to him.
“Have I finally worn you down?” He chuckles as she stares at him, a pink blush tinting her small cheeks before she glances back toward a grinning Ezra. They both wear a dopey, loved-up look in their eyes while watching her.
My eyes narrow toward them, my brows drawing deeper downward.
Love? Were theythatserious?
I shake my head.
No. They couldn’t be that far gone.
They had only known her a couple of months.
They’ll change their minds.
People like us…We couldn’t love or trust others so easily with what we had been through before.
It just wasn’t that simple.
Iflick my gaze toward every nearby student and face passing, her blonde hair and bright pink dress nowhere to be found.
Where was Seria? Why wasn’t she here?
Curly bright red hair catches my attention in the distance and with Mr. Heinley. And surrounding Ivy was the rest of Seria’s usual pawns.
They were all lining up and heading into the main building together. But Seria was nowhere to be found.
I scan each boy’s face in the crowd, trying to find Kane or maybe Knox. Usually, with one of them, you would find the others following soon after. Except I couldn’t find any of them.
Had they not come out during the attack? Had they stayed inside?
I thought they had followed during all the screams and chaos. Did they not help or fight during the attack?