Page 3 of A Blackened Bond
I couldn’t go there. Couldn’t open that box right now.
“They’re no parents of mine. Just tell me what you know, Val.”
He nods before gesturing toward the new mark inking my skin.
“Do you have someone…close to you these days?”
Of course I fucking do.My Red.
Was there any question about this…I already knew I was spending the rest of my existence with her.Guess it’s sorta cool fate knew it too.
Red was my mate…The thought instantly has a grin pulling at my cheeks. I always knew there was something special about us. I mean, even without this cute little mark, I would follow her like a shadow. She couldn’t get rid of me even if she tried.
I’ll stalk that sexy ass wherever it goes. Mate or no mate. It was a done deal for me.
But to know shebrandedmy soul, tying us together forever…My little black heart picks up its pace with the thought.
“By the look on your face, that’s a yes. But you need to be careful, cousin. Our kind can become overly obsessive. And a fated mate…” A shaky breath leaves his lips. “There was only one other couple, and I know you don’t want me mentioning them, but you know how that ended. You need to be careful.”
The fuck I do.
Red and I will never be like my parents. We’re stronger than them, and unlike them, I have my brothers. I also embrace my crazy and obsessiveness, and Red seems to accept that. She seesme, every hard and jagged edge, every broken and lost piece. And still wants more.
No. I shake my head.
“It’s different, Val.” A slight grin tilts my lips. “She’sdifferent. There’s no gaping black hole trying to consume me anymore with Red around. The world seems more liveable now with her in it.”
A soft smile spreads across the bastard’s lips with my words.
“I’m glad you found it, Annex…your reason for living again.”
Damn straight, it was worth living. Every second with her was precious…So why the hell am I still here?
She’d probably stab me for not telling her about this shit sooner, but maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.
I grin. She could kick my ass later; right now, I needed to get back to her.
“Speaking of that sexy vixen. I need to get back, Val.” I rush out, glancing around and toward the dilapidated shack, my impatience rapidly growing.
He takes another sip of his drink, my patience wearing thin with his slow-ass movements.
Val never was one to rush. He went at his own pace. Something I didn't care much about until now.
“I need to get back quickly. So can we get this shit rollin’?” I almost growl.
He raises a brow at my harsh tone.
“I know you're the impatient kind cousin, but you know that it's best to take time and centre yourself here.” Val glances around the cavern space. “Our minds are their calmest here, and after whatever you’ve suffered, you should rest for a while–”
Val harps on, spewing the usual spiel about ‘your sanity’ and ‘needing to stabilise’, butherblue eyes flash across my mind and I'm lost to his words.
Her face, when I was leaving, looked so…broken. There was a look in her eyes I didn’t ever wanna see there again.
She should have never been left like that. But I thought I had longer. I thought I’d be able to explain it. I didn’t think I’d go so quickly and leave her like that.
Fuck.Those broken eyes will haunt my dreams. It was a look I never wanna see on that beautiful fucking face again.