Page 88 of A Blackened Bond
Acknowledgement shines in his eyes with her name as a dark gleam grows in them. He nods. “We’ll help.”
Before, I might not have accepted help, wanting to do everything by myself. But now…Annex snuggles into my neck as Ezra talks about the best way to go unseen. And I feel something I never have before…unconditional trust.
Annex’s POV
We make our way down the dark dorm hallway, following Red's hot ass as she keeps to the shadows. She slides from one shadow to the next, moving as if it were an everyday thing.
Fuck she was hot, even in the dark I could make out those sexy curves. She was the perfect little sexy ninja—
Ninja? I take another look at Red as she tiptoes toward the door. My eyes slide up and down her figure as my grin widens. Fuck. How had I not seen it before?
Red was the ninja chick. And she had saved Morgan…Oh, I'm gonna love seeing Creed’s face when he realises this. My brother would have evenmoreregret on his shoulders when sense finally kicks him in the ass.
I glance toward Ezra. I don't think he’s noticed either.
This is gonna be fun.
Seems Red has a lot of little secrets.
I can't wait to peel back all those little layers of hers one by one. And when I'm done with her clothes, I’ll explore the rest, too.
A small chuckle leaves my lips. I’m gonna enjoy every sweet minute of this.
I wonder if she still has those blades?
Fuck. We’re definitely playing with those bad boys later. Just thinking about her holding them in those small hands again has me growing hard.
I glance toward Ezra as he and Red stand in front of the room I presume we’re about to break into. He starts moving his hand about, his voice muttering some magical mumbo-jumbo to break whatever barrier is protecting the room.
My brother was smarter than just the playboy image he portrayed to others. He had a lot more knowledge and information than he let on too, but I guess thatwashis forte.Knowing shit.
A few more words and tiny marks on the door's top border begin to appear and glow.
Red looks at Ezra, her eyes growing slightly wider as he works his magic.Show-off.
If it weren’t for the ‘no destruction ban’ she placed on us tonight, I would’ve had the door open already. Sure, it would’ve been blown off its hinges and into splinters, but it would’ve been a lot faster than this.
I sigh as Ezra continues his show-off shit. It was slow work, and as cute as all his pretty hand gestures were, it wasn’t my area of expertise.
Call it talent or ability, but my specialty lies in carnage— not just the bloody kind. My destructive strength and nature can easily break through most magical spells and barriers. One swing of my fist or from a weapon in my hand can destroy an average-cast shield. A few harder knocks can take out something stronger or cast by someone higher. Nothing could hold me back or tie me down easily.
I glance toward Red and Ez. Pity they won’t let me play. The door would’ve looked so lovely splintered into a million pieces. But Red wants to go unnoticed.
I'll be a good boy for now, and maybe Red will let me play with something else later. I’ll show her just how useful these hands can be when they’re spreading her soft thighs open and—
A sizzling sound catches my ear, pulling my attention away from my plans and my quickly hardening dick.
“We’ve got an hour before the spell snaps back into place again.” Calls Ezra as his gaze bounces from Red to me. He quickly notices the growing bulge in my pants and rolls his eyes. “Let's go.”
I adjust my trousers and follow Red as she slowly makes her way inside. She glances around the room and scoffs before going over to a dresser on the other side of the room.
And what a fucking room it is. It looks like Elmo’s wet fucking dream in here. All shades of dark red and pink everywhere you look: the furry rugs, the wall-to-floor curtains, even the furniture. This bitch seemed more demented than I thought. She had to be to have shit-taste like this.
Ezra told me she was Micai’s younger half-sister. The thought had my head spinning. How the fuck were they related? They didn’t even look anything alike.
Red was beautiful and breathtaking and a fuckingQueen.