Page 22 of Lady of Starfire
“To get Princess Ashtine. She needs his help,” Callan answered.
Tula didn’t say anything else, appearing to get lost in thought about what he had said. He didn’t have time to contemplate that though when she pointed across the gardens to where Eva was playing with a jump rope and a couple of other children.
“Thank you, Tula,” he said, releasing her hand.
“You’re welcome,” she sang in that way that little girls do.
Eva saw him when he was halfway to her, dropping the jump rope handle she held and racing towards him. He caught her as she leapt up into her arms.
“I thought I would not see you until dinner,” his sister said when he lowered her back to the ground.
He crouched down to look into her face. Taking her hands in his, he said, “Something has happened, and I am going to be gone for a bit.”
A frown formed on Eva’s mouth as she processed what he said. He reached up to tuck a strand of light brown hair behind her ear, brushing a small blue and yellow insect from her shoulder as he did so. “Where are you going?” she asked.
“Lady Tava needs my help.”
“Is she all right?”
“For now,” he replied, squeezing her fingers in his. “But King Hale and Lynnea will look after you while I am gone.”
“How long will you be gone?”
He could see the tears welling in her eyes, and it had him second-guessing himself. “Hopefully only a day or two, but I cannot say for sure.”
“But you will come back for me?” she asked, a tear slipping free.
“Of course, Eva,” he said, tugging her into his arms. “I will come back for you.” He ran a hand down her hair, feeling her tears soaking into his tunic. “Part of being a king is making hard choices,” he murmured. “When our friends need help, we must help them, and part of being a princess is being brave.” He pulled her back so he could see her face. He swiped his thumbs across her cheeks. “Can you be brave for me again, Eva?”
She nodded as more tears slid down her face. “But what if… What if you do not come back? Who will take care of me, Cal? I do not wish to live with King Hale.”
“Scarlett will make sure you are taken care of, Eva,” Callan said, pulling her back into his chest. He knew she would. Even if she was furious with him for doing this, Scarlett would watch over her. “I promise you will not be forgotten. You will be taken care of, but Tava and I will come back for you.”
“Are you going to marry Lady Tava?” she asked, her voice muffled against his shoulder.
“Yes, Eva,” he replied, running his hand down her hair again. “Yes, I am. And when this is all over, the three of us are going to live happily ever after. Just like in the stories Mother used to read to you.”
“Tava still reads them to me,” Eva whispered.
He closed his eyes at her words, sighing into her hair as he stood, bringing her up with him. “Do you want to stay here with your friends?” She shook her head against his shoulder. “Where would you like to go?”
“I can take you back to the estate—”
“Home,” she interrupted. “I wish to gohome, Callan.”
“I know, Eva,” he said thickly. “Soon. I promise we will go home soon. This will all be over soon.”
And in one way or another, it would be. Maybe it wouldn’t turn out like he’d just promised her it would. Maybe he wouldn’t come back, but he’d let her live inside a bubble of happiness for as long as he could. Enough of her innocence had been lost in that throne room when she’d had to watch the murder of their parents. He’d do whatever it took to keep her from growing up in a world ruled by the Maraan Prince that had done that to her. So he’d go get Tava, and then they would stand with the Fae. The very beings who they’d feared for centuries. He might hate Scarlett for taking Tava across the Edria, but if fighting alongside her would give Eva that future he’d just promised, then that’s what he would do. Even if he wasn’t around to see it.
“You look sad.”
Cyrus looked up to find a beauty with dark red hair smiling down at him. He hadn’t heard her come in, too lost in thoughts of a town that sat at the edge of the sea. He reached for her, wrapping an arm around her waist and tugging her into his lap. She laughed softly, nestling against his chest where she fit perfectly against him.