Page 28 of Lady of Starfire
“Stop.” He meant to say it with some bite behind the word, but it came out as more of a pained rasp.
Cassius bent down, bracing his hands on the back of the sofa on either side of Cyrus, bringing his face inches from his. “Merrik and Thia were the cost of you claiming something you should have never had. Do you know what I’ve been researching in that book, Cyrus? Twin flames.” Cassius’s mouth twisted into a cruel smirk as he brought his face closer to Cyrus’s. “Twin flames happen between an Avonleyan and a Fae. You claimed something that was never yours to have, and Thia paid the price. How many more people will you sacrifice? If you were anyone else, I would be selfish like you all keep telling me to be. But that’s the thing. I am being selfish. I want a Source bond with anyone but you. And if you can’t see that all you do is damage everyone around you, then I will keep reminding you until you believe it.”
“Stop,” Cyrus gasped, feeling the tears trail down his face. “Stop,” he whispered again. “Leave those ones. Please.”
The Sorceress hadn’t done this yet. She had not touched one memory of Cassius. Not a single one. She had clearly been saving them for this exact moment. But the way she had just altered that memory was already sinking into his soul and taking root. It didn’t matter how much he tried to rationalize with himself. The damage was already done.
All you do is damage everyone around you.
“You will let me play with memories of everyone but him?” she asked, her head tilting in curiosity. Her fingers curled around the bars once more. “I am intrigued, pretty Fire Fae.”
He knew it seemed odd, but Merrik and Thia were in his past. He had once thought Cassius could be his future in some way or another. But now…
You just keep taking and taking from people because you think you are deserving of it.
He shook his head, trying to get the words out of his head, but they kept replaying over and over. And it was his voice he kept hearing say them.
“Get out,” Cassius said, his voice low and gravelly. His pupils had shifted, eyes glowing. “Get the fuck out.”
Cyrus stared at him for a long moment before turning and stalking to the door, but right before he pulled it open, he looked over his shoulder. “I was coming here to tell you that after we got back from the Southern Islands, I wanted to go to Aelyndee with you. For the first time since Thia, you made me feel seen. I never want to step foot in Aelyndee again, but for you, I would have. I would have jumped through every godsdamn hoop if you’d have let me.”
“Get out,” Cassius said again. “I want nothing to do with you. I never did. I used you for your blood, and I tolerated you for Scarlett. That is no longer necessary.”
“Stop!” Cyrus cried out, his chest heaving as he gasped for breath. He couldn’t get enough air into his lungs. He thought he could hold out. He thought he could be strong enough to withstand her, to keep his family safe. But he wasn’t. He was weak. He couldn’t do this. Not if she started messing with those memories. He was already too far gone. Losing those memories would tip him over the edge.
“Are you ready to make a bargain?” Her voice drifted over to him, soft and coaxing.
All he did was damage everyone around him. They would expect nothing less at this point.
“Fae of Fire,” she whispered again.
He opened his eyes, connecting with her stare. “Yes,” he rasped. “I will tell you where your spell book is if you leave my memories of him be.”
Triumph danced in her violet eyes. “Oh no, pretty Fae,” she said, manic glee dripping in her tone. “The price to leave those memories alone is much steeper.”
Of course they made a mistake.
No one wants you, Cyrus.
If you can’t see that all you do is damage everyone around you, then I will keep reminding you until you believe it.
“Name the cost,” he said hoarsely, fingers digging into his scalp, hating himself for those three words, knowing they would indeed damage everyone he loved.
Scarlett took a deep breath outside of the rooms that Cyrus had claimed at the Avonleyan castle. She stretched her neck from side-to-side before rolling her shoulders. She had been eating with Sorin when Azrael and Rayner had come back to their suite to go over a few things before they went to the continent to get Ashtine. They were still finalizing things with Sorin when she had excused herself to come find Cassius. She’d meet with them again in a few hours to see them off and get any last-minute updates. But right now her soulmate needed her, and she needed him to know she was here, that he wasn’t alone.
Cassius. Then Ashtine. Then Cyrus and Neve.
She had to take things one step at a time. If she tried to think about everything at once, she felt like she was drowning.
Cassius first.
She raised her hand, knocking lightly on the door twice before she pushed it open.
“Cass?” she called softly, stepping into the room. She pushed the door shut behind her, leaning against it, her hands behind her back.