Page 76 of Lady of Starfire
“You have no idea what you cost me the night you burned that to the ground with your starfire,” Alaric seethed.
But Cyrus did. Gehenna had told him what the Maraan Prince had thought he had lost.
Her tone had gone icy and vicious when she spoke again, ignoring his outburst. “And tonight? This is the start of the final game. I have already set things in motion.”
Alaric’s hand snapped out, but Cassius was before her in the next blink, gripping Alaric’s wrist with a growl. The Assassin Lord’s lip curled up in disgust. “If I had known what blood ran in your veins, I would have killed you the day I found you. Before this is over, I will make sure I have rectified that mistake.”
“Instead, you trained us to kill, and in the end, that will be your greatest regret,” Cassius returned, releasing Alaric’s wrist with a shove that had the male stumbling back a few steps.
Alaric smirked at him. “You will not be the one to end me, Cassius. You were always one of the weak ones. It is why the girls were the Wraiths, and you were just there so they had something to practice with.”
“You’ve wasted enough of my time,” Scarlett snarled, shoving Cassius to the side. “Name your cost for Briar’s freedom.”
The Water Prince started, but he still said nothing. Alaric was straightening his tunic as he answered, “A Blood Bond from you, my Wraith. That is the only price I will accept.”
Scarlett locked eyes with Briar, some unspoken agreement being said between them, and Briar dipped his chin the smallest amount in acknowledgment.
“Let me know when that changes,” she replied, turning and making her way to the door.
“It won’t,” Alaric snarled.
Scarlett stepped to the side as she held the door open. “We will see, won’t we? Rayner, release Talwyn and bring Neve,” she said, an obvious dismissal of the Maraan Prince.
“Mordecai will escort you out,” Alaric said, not even bothering to look at Talwyn as she traded places with Neve.
Scarlett batted her lashes at him. “No trust in your favored students, Alaric?”
“I am not stupid, Scarlett. I know we seek the same thing at the moment. I will not give you an opportunity to get to it before me,” Alaric said.
“I have absolutely no idea what you’re referring to,” she replied so innocently Cyrus almost laughed. Almost. He wondered if the Sorceress had ensured he’d forgotten how to do so. Her attention flicked to Cassius. “Let’s go.”
Cassius matched Cyrus’s pace, their arms brushing once, and Cyrus moved a step away from him. If Cassius noticed, he didn’t show it. Scarlett followed them out, the door clicking shut behind her. The moment she crossed the threshold, her shadow armor appeared, along with half a dozen shadow wolves that prowled around them. She moved to the front of the group along with Rayner, and Cyrus found himself herded beside Neve with Cassius behind them. No one looked at him or Neve. No one spoke to them.
Rayner and Scarlett were murmuring softly between themselves as Mordecai led them to the stairs and down the ten levels. After sitting on a cold stone floor for days, the trek up those stairs had been godsdamn miserable. The descent wasn’t much better. But he knew they wouldn’t be able to Travel within the cliffs. They needed to get outside to the beach.
The only sound as they crossed the cavernous main hall was the boots of the others. Rayner’s ashes were moving subtly throughout the space. Cyrus had no idea what the fuck he was doing, but it seemed risky as fuck with Mordecai still in their presence. As terrible as it was to admit though, he also didn’t particularly care at the moment. He just wanted out of here. Wanted to bathe and eat something that wasn’t stale and sleep in a soft bed. Really, any bed would do as long as he wasn’t curled up on a stone floor. He’d take the thin mattress and thread-bare blanket from the flat in Aelyndee for all he cared.
They finally stepped through the archway that appeared, Cyrus just catching the faint glow of the brand beneath Rayner’s skin. Mordecai didn’t say word to them. Only turned and headed back into the belly of the Cliffs.
It was dark, and the sand was cold beneath his bare feet. His fire instantly reacted, flooding him with heat, and he released a shuddering breath at feeling his magic again. He rubbed at his raw wrists, looking around and trying to get his bearings. He took in another sharp breath—
And the scent of the sea assaulted him.
He ran both of his hands through his hair, pushing out another harsh breath. If it wasn’t the Sorceress, it was the sea. He was just exchanging one form of torture for another at this point.
“Just a little farther,” Cassius muttered. “We want to make sure we’re not being followed.”
Cyrus didn’t bother acknowledging him. Rayner led them up the beach and into trees so thick they blocked out the stars. And when he was sure his legs were going to give out after days of sitting and so little food, they finally stopped. Shadows and ashes speared out as if searching for something, and they all stood waiting.
“I sense nothing,” Rayner said.
Scarlett sighed. “Same. But you got what you needed?”
“I gathered enough,” Rayner returned. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
She turned to Cyrus and Neve. “Show me your palms,” she ordered gently. Neve glanced at the others before holding them out to her. Scarlett inspected them closely before turning to Cyrus. “Are there are any Marks we need to be aware of before we go?” she asked, and Cyrus realized she was checking for Blood Bond Marks. She was making sure neither of them were sworn to Alaric as Nuri was. No surprises. Not this time.
“No,” Neve whispered, and Cyrus shook his head. They didn’t need to know about the bargain with the Sorceress. He couldn’t face telling them yet.