Page 117 of Lady of Shadows
Scarlett looked to Shirina, who was now sitting beside the cave mouth, her tail switching behind her. The panther gave a slight nod of its head, and Scarlett reached behind her, grabbing her sword. She handed it wordlessly to Rayner, then stepped around him. There was worry swirling in his gray eyes as she met his gaze, and she tried her best to give him a reassuring smile.
She stepped towards the cave mouth, but Hazel held up a hand, halting her. “You cannot bring any weapons in with you.”
“I do not have any other weapons,” Scarlett argued. “I have nothing hidden. I swear it. I came here in a nightgown, remember?”
“You have fire and ice running in your veins and shadows at your beck and call, do you not?” Hazel replied, a cunning smile on her lips.
“I can’t give you my magic,” Scarlett balked.
“Of course not,” Hazel said. She made a motion with her hand and a table appeared beside her. On the table sat a small vial, just like the vials of tonic Scarlett had taken nearly every night of her life. “This will temporarily nullify your powers. When the Oracle is finished with you, they will be released back to you.”
“Scarlett,” Rayner warned from behind her. “We should wait for Sorin.”
“You question your Queen?” Hazel asked sharply. Then she turned those violet eyes upon Scarlett. “You would wait for permission from a male?”
“No. I mean—” Scarlett started, stumbling over her words.
“Is he your keeper?” the High Witch snarled.
“I do not have a keeper,” Scarlett bit back.
“Are you someone’s subject? Someone’s property? Someone’s pet?”
“No,” Scarlett growled from between her teeth.
“Your Spirit Animal brought you here. The Oracle does not often take visitors. I cannot guarantee you another visit if you do not go now.” When Scarlett still hesitated, the High Witch stepped closer to her. Looking directly into her eyes, Hazel said in a dangerously quiet voice, “You are a Queen. You do not need permission to do anything and certainly not from a male. You make the choices that will affect you and your people, and you make them without regret. You choose, and you handle the consequences, whatever they may be. You do not look back, only forward. Now make your choice.”
Scarlett shot one last wary look to Rayner, then stepped forward and swallowed the contents of the vial in a single gulp. It tasted exactly as her daily tonic had, and she felt her magic instantly vanish. The shadows she had grown to love faded into nothing. Hazel smiled widely, gesturing to the cave. “See what awaits.”
Scarlett walked slowly forward into the cave, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness. It was pitch black and without her shadows to scout the way before her, she moved cautiously, relying on her enhanced Fae senses. She had walked for nearly five minutes in total silence when finally a glow appeared ahead. Swallowing hard, she took a deep breath and stepped forward once more.
She didn’t know what she had expected to see or what the Oracle would be, but she did not expect what stood before her as the passageway opened up forming a wide circular cavern. In the center of the room stood a woman.
Stood Juliette.
She was barefoot, her feet dirty from the dirt floor of the cave, and she wore her black tunic and pants. The same clothing she wore on the nights they were dispatched to take care of the worst of the worst. Her hands were clasped lightly before her.
Not real, Scarlett told herself. She was not really standing before her. That was impossible.
But Scarlett could not take another step into the room. Her breathing grew ragged, her chest tight.
“Hello, sister,” the Oracle said, her voice soft.
“I am not your sister,” Scarlett said quietly. “Juliette is dead.”
“Am I?” she asked, with a tilt of her head.
“Yes. I stabbed you in the heart myself. I watched the life leave your eyes. It’s haunted me, whether I am sleeping or awake.”
“You merely released me from my mortal body. My essence lives on,” the Oracle said, taking a step towards her. “I came here. To wait for you. To see you.”
“How? How is that possible?” Scarlett whispered, her voice cracking.
“Blood magic,” Juliette said grimly. “Powerful, ancient blood magic.”
“You knew I would come here? How?” Scarlett asked, unable to hide the shock and surprise in her voice.
“I am a Witch, Scarlett,” Juliette answered. “I am a powerful Seer. I saw what you are to become. I had originally thought it meant you were to be a queen beside Callan. It is why I tried to push you towards such a path. But then I had more and more visions. And now…”