Page 121 of Lady of Shadows
“I know much, Scarlett. Things I cannot reveal to you, but I can guide you to the truth.”
“Why can you not just tell me?” Scarlett demanded. “Who is my father?”
“The question you need to be asking is who is your mother? Answer that question, and you will answer the first.”
“My mother is Eliné. That does not answer the first question. Sorin does not know who my father was as her companion was killed by Deimas and Esmeray.”
A map of the continent appeared on the table beside the bowl. “Your answers lie across the seas, sister. In a land locked away by ancient magic.”
“Indeed. The Fae Queens hid keys. If found and used, the keys will allow the bearer to enter the land.” Juliette turned to face Scarlett once more. Her face was all business now, like it would get when they were planning missions. “You are the only one who can find the keys. It is why you were kept hidden. It is part of the reason you are considered a weapon.”
“Why me?”
“Because Eliné is the one who hid most of them. Queen Henna disguised the seven keys, and her daughter can restore them. Eliné entrusted one to each bloodline. Queen Selinya hid the other two, but you can find them.”
“Queen Selinya? Who is that?”
“Keep digging through those books you’ve found, Sister. You areclose to uncovering everything,” Juliette said with another knowing smile.
“How about you just fucking tell me?” Scarlett grumbled.
“You will, of course, also need the lock.”
“The what now?” Scarlett asked, looking up.
“The keys have to unlock something, do they not?” Juliette’s eyes were twinkling as she continued. “Before you leave here, tell the High Witch that you are the one she has been waiting for.”
“What does that mean?”
“She will know.”
“Could you be any more obscure?” Scarlett sighed with a glare.
“Oracle perks, I suppose,” Juliette answered with a half smile.
“And how am I to find these keys? I do not even know what they look like,” Scarlett said as she studied the map before her.
“A child of each possesses them on a chain of wind-kissed stone,” Juliette answered.
Scarlett rolled her eyes. “Here I thought we were on the same side.”
Juliette gave a soft laugh once more. “The Oracles have long been outside of any reigning power’s jurisdiction, but they have always had a strong relationship with Eliné.”
“I can come see you? Visit you often?” Scarlett asked quietly, keeping her eyes on the map.
“I may not always be able to give you answers or counsel, but as your friend, yes. I am always with you. Always on your side,” Juliette answered. After a moment of quiet between the friends, she clapped her hands twice and said, “I will give you three gifts before you leave today. One, regarding the keys, you will find that the keys have always been trying to get home.”
“What does that mean?” Scarlett ground out from between her teeth,
“Two,” Juliette said with a smile. “An Artist must give you the twin flame Mark.”
“The Artists are from the Earth Court,” Scarlett said slowly.
“Yes. You would definitely want a highly skilled Artist for thatMark…unless you know an all-powerful Seer.” The wicked glint in her eyes sparked a star to life in Scarlett’s chest.
“You can give me the Mark?”