Page 138 of Lady of Shadows
A few minutes later, Talwyn prowled into the dining room, Azrael Luan beside her. Talwyn was in her usual brown pants and white tunic, her weapons in all the usual places. Scarlett locked eyes with Azrael as she said sweetly, “Welcome to my home, Earth Guy. Muffin?”
Azrael sneered at her, and out of the corner of her eye, Sorin lurched from the wall. Cyrus clasped a hand on his shoulder, holding him back.
Relax, Prince.
Do not bait him right now, Scarlett. I beg of you.
“I see the twin flame bond has settled into place,” Talwyn said coolly, her eyes falling to Scarlett’s left hand. “Not yet Anointed, but married?” Surprise colored her tone as she looked to Sorin.
“A few hours ago,” he ground out.
“And why are we meeting in the dining room and not your council room?” Talwyn asked.
“Because,” Scarlett cut in, “you called a meeting as the sun rises, and I get cranky if I don’t eat, so I wanted breakfast.” In emphasis, she popped the last of the muffin into her mouth.
Talwyn studied her, as if sizing her up for the first time. “No weapons today, cousin?”
A wicked grin spread across Scarlett’s face. “I do believe myhusbandcould rip out a throat with his bare hands if someone so much as looks at me wrong right now. I do not need a weapon.”
Talwyn’s eyes went back to Sorin. “Indeed.”
Cutting in to smooth the tension, Briar asked, “Is Princess Ashtine not joining us this morning?”
Scarlett hadn’t realized they were indeed missing one of the Courts. She assumed she was the silver-haired beauty that Scarlett had seen at the White Halls.
“She will be here momentarily. She is gathering information for me on something,” Talwyn replied shortly. She took a seat across from Scarlett, picked up a pastry, and took a bite. Every other Fae in the room went still. “I do eat, you know,” she snapped at them.
“Sit down, you male pricks,” Scarlett said, waving her hand at the various chairs around the table. “Eat something. There’s no reason we can’t talk and fill our stomachs.”
The males all glanced at each other, then took stiff walks to the table. Sorin sat to Scarlett’s right, Cyrus taking the seat next to him. Rayner moved to Eliza’s left. Azrael slid into place next to Talwyn, across from Sorin. Tense silence settled over them all. Scarlett sighed loudly, looking at Talwyn. “Do we need to go around and introduce ourselves, or do you just want to tell us why we urgently needed to meet this morning?”
A thin, unamused smile formed on Talwyn’s face as she angled her head slightly and said, “You are not one for decorum, are you?”
“They tried to instill it in me in the human lands, but no, I am not,” Scarlett answered, her tone slightly domineering.
“It has been a long night, Talwyn,” Sorin sighed from beside Scarlett, his hand coming to rest on hers. He sounded wary and tense. “Let’s get on with it.”
“Fine,” Talwyn said, her lips pursing as she clearly worked to keep her temper under control. Her jade eyes narrowed. “What part of keep this to ourselves yesterday afternoon did you lot not understand?”
Scarlett glanced to Azrael who was glaring at her and Sorin, but who was also purposefully not looking at Talwyn. She could only assume they had argued.
“It was not intentional, Talwyn,” Sorin answered, “but to be honest, he should know. So should Ashtine.”
“I do know,” came a soft feminine voice at the entrance to the dining room. That beautiful female strode into the room, full of grace and perfection. Her long, silver hair flowed behind her on phantom winds like Talwyn’s did, and her silver hawk rested on her shoulder. All the males in the room rose to their feet as she entered and didn’t return to their seats until she sat across from Briar, her silver eyes settling on him. She had no Second or guards with her.
“Princess Ashtine,” Briar said, his eyes on hers as well, “meet Queen Scarlett. Queen Talwyn’s cousin.”
“It is a pleasure,” Ashtine said. Her voice was warm and mystical all at once. “You have caused quite the stir among the winds.”
“Speaking of the winds, Ashtine,” Talwyn cut in. Scarlett nearly started at her tone. It was not the cool, icy tone used with Sorin or Briar, but one of respect, almost reverence. “What did you learn this morning?”
“Sorin was not mistaken, Talwyn,” Ashtine replied, her eyes going to her queen. “They are not mortals. It is as if they have found a way to glamour themselves.”
“You were in the human lands?” Scarlett asked quickly. “Where?”
Ashtine’s kind silver eyes settled on her, and Scarlett had to work not to squirm under her gaze. There was something other about the princess, and she couldn’t quite place it. “I was at the home of your previously betrothed.”
Scarlett felt her face pale. “You were at Mikale’s?”