Page 141 of Lady of Shadows
“Even then,” Briar said after a pause, “you are free to come here whenever you wish.”
“I do my best thinking by the sea,” Scarlett mused, not really to Briar, but just to say the words aloud.
“As do I,” Briar said. “It is as if the tide and surf wash everything else away so that what I need to see, what I need to do, is crystal clear before me.”
Scarlett turned to Briar as he spoke and found his eyes watching the distant horizon, too. Her heart, her soul, was Sorin’s, but even as her twin flame, he would not understand her draw to the sea, to the water. But this male beside her? He knew exactly what sandy beaches and crashing waves elicited from her. “You remind me of my dearest friend in the mortal lands,” she mused, turning back to the sea once more.
“Oh?” Briar asked. “A good thing, I hope. Other than the fact that I seem to remind you of a mortal woman.”
“My dearest friend is male, you twit,” she said, giving him a light shove. “His name is Cassius. He saved my life.” And after a long pause, she added, “And he is not mortal. He is the High Witch’s son.”
Briar was quiet for a long moment before he said, “You know, Sunshine, you certainly add some new type of excitement every time I see you.”
Scarlett huffed a laugh under her breath with a wince. “I hope Sorin feels the same when I tell him.”
“He does not know?” She could hear the surprise in his voice.
Scarlett sighed. “So much has happened since I saw the Oracle. Other things were more pressing. It just hasn’t come up again. Untilnow.” Briar merely nodded once. They stood in silence for several more minutes, then Scarlett said quietly, “Thank you, Briar. For not leaving me out here alone.”
“It is my pleasure.” His voice held complete sincerity, absent of its usual flirtatious tone and carefree attitude. He reached over and gently squeezed her hand.
She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “Sorry my shadows bit at you.”
Briar barked a laugh. “Do not tell Sorin I just held your hand, and we will call it even.”
“Deal,” Scarlett said, laughing. “I suppose we should join the others. I do believe Sorin will curse me soundly when I tell him I need to go see the High Witch, and I don’t think she will be particularly fond of his presence if he joins me.”
Briar laughed again, turning with her. “I think that is a good assumption considering you seem to view the High Witch very differently than the rest of us.” With a teasing sigh and a wink, he added, “Although I do enjoy watching you two square off. I will be on your side if you prefer. Just to see Sorin squirm a bit more.”
“Pot-stirrer,” Scarlett laughed as they walked a little ways up the beach.
“Sorin needs someone to challenge him every once in a while. He is used to getting his way,” Briar smirked from beside her. A second later, a portal of water appeared before them.
Scarlett snorted. “Now you’re making him sound like Talwyn.”
“Sunshine, you have no idea. There is a reason they butt heads the way they do,” Briar muttered grimly, and they stepped through the portal.
Chapter 44
Scarlett stepped into a bright meeting room. The ivory marble stones of the House of Water were smooth as glass, polished and gleaming, and there were large windows every few feet, most thrown wide open, letting in all the sunlight and the smell of the sea beyond. There was an expansive balcony with a perfect view of the harbor and the crystal clear blue sky. Large ivory pillars were interspersed throughout the room with sea blue gossamer curtains flowing gently in the breeze. She had to admit, it did rival the Fiera Palace for beauty.
She was about to ask Briar, who was still beside her, if there were ever clouds in the sky here, but the room had gone completely silent when they had appeared. Everyone in the room had stood.
And bowed to her.
She felt her cheeks flush as she said quietly, “Please. Don’t.”
Sorin was at her other side in an instant. “There are battles coming, Scarlett. There are choices to be made and loyalties to be given. We give ours to you.”
Scarlett swept her eyes over those in the room. Cyrus, Rayner, and Eliza were there, but they were among Briar’s Inner Court. Shehad seen the one male once or twice. She assumed he was Briar’s Second, but the others she had never met.
“Then thank you. I am humbled by your choice.” She rose on her tiptoes to kiss Sorin on his cheek as she said down the twin flame bridge,But you, my Love, never bow to me. We are equals.
What is worship but bowing before my queen?he purred back, a sinful glimmer filling his eyes.
Scarlett smirked at him.In the bedroom, you may bow all you’d like.