Page 151 of Lady of Shadows
“My relationship with Cassius is one that cannot be put into words, my Lady. Our paths are intertwined. Sorin says he is my soulmate,” Scarlett said. It was the first time Sorin had heard her address Hazel with any sort of reverent title. Flames flickered to life in her palms, melting the glass shards she still cupped into nothing. “I would give my life for him, and he would give his for me. Let me bring Cassius tomyhome, where you are welcome to visit him anytime until he can truly come home.”
Sorin held his breath as the High Witch studied his twin flame. Fierce defiance sharpened her features, but also a longing just as powerful. “A queen would give her life for the son of a Witch?”
“Cassius is your subject and your son, and I will do as you wish, but please, Hazel,” Scarlett begged, taking the Witch’s hands in her own. “Please do not make him return to a place where he will be treated as less than. He has faced enough of that where he is now.”
The High Witch held Scarlett’s gaze a moment longer before she dropped her hands and turned back to the work table. “Do what you think is best, Child,” she said, beginning to hand Scarlett herbs and bottles. “I am beginning to suspect that Cassius is much morethan just your soulmate, and if I am correct, he will desire to be by your side rather than my own anyway.”
Scarlett froze, her eyes snapping to the High Witch. “Cassius and I are not— We have never been—”
A faint smirk tilted the High Witch’s lips. “I know you are not lovers, your Majesty.” She glanced at Sorin. “If that were the case, I think your twin flame would be a much bigger threat to my son than my own people.”
Sorin gritted his teeth at the mere idea of another touching Scarlett in such a way. He knew it wasn’t logical. He knew what the relationship between Scarlett and Cassius entailed, but the newness of the twin flame bond flared through his body. He fought to keep back a snarl, and Scarlett shot him an amused look of knowing, clearly feeling his struggle.
I am finding a necessity arising, my Queen.
Scarlett’s eyes widened slightly, and her cheeks flushed. It was his turn to send her an amused smirk.
Scarlett swallowed thickly, returning her attention to the High Witch and fumbling her words. “If you believe we are not lovers, then what do you think he is to me if not my soulmate?”
“Another excellent question, your Majesty. If I am correct, your destinies are indeed intertwined in ways you cannot even begin to fathom.”
“Let me guess, you’re not going to expand on that statement?” Scarlett grumbled, tossing powder into the cauldron at the High Witch’s instruction.
If Talwyn had spoken to the High Witch like that, Sorin was fairly certain there would be bloodshed. Then again, the High Witch would have never let Talwyn into her alchemy room. Yet here was Scarlett, conversing with her as if they were long-lost friends. How bizarre the last few days had become. So many things he had thought were true and right had been tipped on their side and set alight by the mere act of a girl accepting a throne.
“If I were to expand on my statement, it could change things. The Fates would be displeased. You will know when you are meant to know,” the High Witch replied simply.
“For the love of the gods,” Scarlett muttered.
“For the love of the gods, indeed,” the High Witch answered.
It was an odd retort, and Sorin wondered what she meant by it, but before he could question it, the High Witch began snapping detailed instructions at Scarlett about how to brew this tonic and all thoughts left his head as they got to work and began to put a plan into motion.
Chapter 47
“Iam not sure how excited the others are going to be to learn they are going to the human lands,” Sorin said to Scarlett as she removed her witch-leathers in their rooms.
“They need a little more adventure in their lives. They’re too pampered up here in this giant palace,” Scarlett said dismissively, walking towards their enormous closet. She heard Sorin chuckle, and she poked her head back into the room. “I never did ask Hazel about these witch-suits.”
After they had agreed that Cassius would come here instead of to the Witch Kingdoms, Hazel had set about showing Scarlett how to make the tonic. It was all common ingredients that could be found nearly anywhere.
“Tonics and elixirs are not so much about magic as they are about combining the right ingredients at the right time and under the proper conditions. But even more than that, it is knowing which ingredients do what to the body and how. Nature has provided everything one would need for healing and nourishment,” Hazel had told her. “When you return, I will teach you properly. And Cassius.”
She had sent them on their way laden down with several of theingredients to get them by until they could purchase some in Baylorin. Shortly before they’d left, they’d received a message from Rayner that the summit time and location had been set. Hazel had agreed to attend, albeit reluctantly, only with the absolute assurance that Scarlett would be there and that she would not have to deal directly with Talwyn.
“What do they fly on? Broomsticks?” Scarlett now asked Sorin, leaning against the doorframe to the closet, unwinding her hair from its thick braid. She was exhausted after not sleeping the night before. The sun was nearly set, and she was looking forward to a hot bath and sleeping past sunrise tomorrow.
Sorin burst out laughing. “Broomsticks? Why would they ride around on broomsticks?”
She scowled at him. “That’s what is said about Witches in the human stories.”
Sorin only laughed harder. “You cannot be serious?”
Scarlett glared at him, but a small smile formed on her lips. She’d never seen Sorin laugh so hard. She’d never seen him so…happy, despite having to return to the human lands tomorrow.
After he had gotten his laughter under control, he crossed the room to her, unbuckling his own swords and daggers. They hadn’t told anyone they’d returned, although she guessed his Inner Court likely felt them through the wards. They were not wanting company at the moment, though. No, all she wanted was a bed to sleep in.