Page 172 of Lady of Shadows
Flames flared and his sword appeared in his hand. A second later, flames licked down his body, and his own training clothes appeared. He began towards her.
She didn’t miss a beat as she pulled the sword that was sheathed at her back. That white fire of hers wreathed down its blade, and he sent flames down his own. This would be interesting.
When their blades struck the first time, flames flared. For the longest time, there was only their ragged breathing and clashing of their swords. He felt every emotion in every swing she took, every thrust and block. Rage.Clang.Fury.Clang.Guilt.Clang.More guilt.Clang.
Their flames danced with each other, her white flames and shadowfire mingling with his flames of gold and red and orange. Still, she kept swinging. Still, she kept coming at him.
She swung again. He met it.
The swords clanged again, sending flames radiating out from them as they met.
She faltered as two tears trailed down her cheeks, and she dropped the Spirit Sword to the ground. Sorin instantly discarded his own weapon, closing the space between them and pulling her into his arms. She pressed her face into his chest, gripping his back.
“I did not ask for this, Sorin. I did not want this,” she said, her voice cracking.
“I know, Love. I know,” he replied gently, stroking her hair.
“No matter what decision I make, someone will suffer. I was not raised for this world, for this role,” Scarlett said into his chest.
“Perhaps that is precisely why the Fates put you in it.”
“The fucking Fates can piss off,” she choked through her tears. “What is the point of it all, Sorin?”
“We do not get to know that. We do not get to know the end. We live in the here and the now, and we put one foot in front of the other. The Fates may have shoved you onto a throne you do not want, but you get to decide which stars will shine.”
“Despite what Nakoa seems to think, I do recognize all the issues at hand. I do, Sorin.”
“I know, Scarlett. I know you do,” he answered, continuing with the soothing strokes of her hair.
“Callan needs to return home. His father is already suspicious. Nuri is likely ripping everyone’s head off at being so confined. The Syndicate Council is going to filet me alive for leaving like I did. Talwyn is furious and needs me to help her close these rifts. Ashtine just dropped a bomb about these damn shadows, and Juliette and the High Witch gave commands of their own regarding these keys and Cassius. And then there are the orphans and Mikale and Veda to deal with, which honestly is the biggest issue of all of this. They have no idea…” she trailed off.
Sorin couldn’t stifle his growl at the man’s name on her lips. Before he could say anything, she whispered, “You’ve been at this for centuries. Tell me what to do.”
“No one tells you what to do, Princess, although many have tried,” he replied, kissing the top of her head.
“Prick,” she muttered.
“I will add that to the list,” he murmured back, gently tilting her face up to his. He brushed a kiss to her lips. Then another. “I choose you, Scarlett Semiria. I choose you now and always, and I will follow you to the farthest star and beyond if that is where you wish to go.”
“What if I choose wrong? What if I make the wrong choice?” she whispered, her eyes searching his own.
“Then we will deal with it, Scarlett. Together,” he said. “Always together.”
She was quiet for a long moment, just staring into his eyes, before she whispered, “I love you, Sorin.”
“Hearing those words on your lips will never get old, Love. Five hundred years from now, they will still bring me to my knees,” he said, leaning down to kiss her once more.
She brought her hands up around his neck, and he deepened the kiss, tasting all of her lavender and citrus and jasmine and embers. He gathered her to him, as if she would disappear in her own shadows. Lifting her off her feet, he stepped through a fire portal into their bedroom.
Then she was lifting her arms as he pulled her shirt from her body. Boots were somehow unlaced and shucked off in between kisses, and he was laying her on their bed. The bed they had shared for weeks now. He kissed and tasted and worshipped every inch of her, making her forget her worries and her responsibilities. His queen. His wife. His twin flame.
When she had found release around his fingers and then again against his mouth, he gripped her knees, tugging her roughly down the bed to him. She let out a surprised squeal as he settled between her legs. He lightly dragged his fingertips up her thighs, along her hips, up her navel.