Page 34 of Lady of Shadows
“Keep telling yourself that, Sorin,” she bit back. “Just because a prince speaks it, doesn’t mean it’s the truth. Obviously.”
Sorin pursed his lips, but instead of rising to the bait she had so clearly laid before him, he said, “Eliné’s Spirit Animal was Paja, the golden owl of Falein, goddess of—”
“Goddess of wisdom and cleverness,” Scarlett cut in. “I do know of the gods, even if I don’t necessarily believe in them.”
“You need to rest. You are cranky,” he said, rising and placing his own empty teacup on the low table.
“Could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that you just told me I’m apparently bonded with a panther who serves a goddess everyone fears?” she snapped as she stood as well.
The blanket was loose around her shoulders now, and he could see she wore a black sleeveless nightgown that went to her knees.
“Possibly,” he replied with a shrug, “but I’m going to go with exhaustion for this particular mood.” The corner of his mouth kicked up despite his effort to keep the half-grin from his face.
“Whatever,” she grumbled, crossing her arms. “You still do not sleep in this land?”
He chuckled. “Yes, I need sleep, especially after my encounter with Talwyn.”
“And where will you sleep?”
“In the other bedroom,” Sorin answered. Scarlett’s lips had formed a thin line, and she hugged the blanket tightly around herself again. “What is wrong?” he asked softly.
“Nothing,” she replied, her face setting into grim resolve. “Tomorrow you can start teaching me to control my powers?”
“You still desire to do so?”
“Do I have a choice in the matter?”
“You always have a choice, Scarlett.”
“You were right,” she said after a moment. “I need to learn to control it. It will be one less thing that has control over me.”
“I do love those words coming from your lips, you know,” Sorin said wryly. She raised her brows in question. “That I was right.”
Scarlett rolled her eyes. “I’m glad I could bolster your ego, Prince.”
Sorin chuckled again. “I can teach you the control and fire half, but Briar would be better for mastering the water and ice.”
“And we can continue our other training?”
“I wasn’t joking at dinner, Scarlett. You should ask Eliza.”
“Eliza is scary.”
“Eliza is just like you,” Sorin laughed. “She prefers to be reading or in the training ring, and she takes shit from no one.”
“I suppose,” Scarlett replied, biting her lip not sounding sure at all. She walked to the bed, pausing as she reached for the blankets to climb in. She opened her mouth to say something, then shut it again. She snuggled in, pulling the blankets up to her chin. “Good night, Sorin.”
“Good night, Princess,” he said as he strode to the door. He could practically hear her eyes roll as he left the room. His head had barely hit the pillow in the extra bedroom when sleep took him.
“Did you think you could hide from me, my pet?”
Mikale’s cool voice raked down her skin while she stood in that cold room in the Lairwood house. She couldn’t control her trembling as he took slow, casual steps to her. She backed up until her back hit the wall.
“It is time to come home and fulfill your bargain with me,” he said, his eyes turning hard. He was before her now, and he ran his hands down her arms. She couldn’t shrink back any farther. “My sister is most upset you have taken Callan from her yet again, by the way.”
She opened her mouth to respond, but nothing came out. She couldn’t speak. “Oh yes, I have picked up a few tricks of my own,” he purred with a cruel smile. “I cannot wait to show them all to you when you return.” His touching turned proprietary. “It is strange, isn’t it, how I can control you in your own dream?”