Page 53 of Lady of Shadows
“I need to learn if my suspicions as to who she is are correct,” the Fae Queen answered, “and now that you are outside his wards, we can talk more freely.”
His wards. That’s why she had been pacing and not coming any closer. “You are not free to go anywhere you wish in the lands you rule?” Callan asked casually, following her down the road.
“I suppose I am, but I do not want him to know I have been here. If I cross his wards, he will immediately be notified of my presence,” she replied tightly.
“Because you do not get along,” Callan said, recalling Eliza’s words.
“My dealings with the Fire Prince are not your concern.”
“As my relationship with thefemaleis not yours.” The Queenglared at him. “Perhaps, your Majesty, if you would like my cooperation, we could start with names.”
“But I already know your name, Crown Prince Callan Solgard,” she answered. At his quizzical look, she added, “I do know the ruling families of each land, Prince. As a queen, it is my duty to know the reigning powers.”
“Has my father ever been here?” Callan asked. “I mean to any of the Fae Courts?”
“No. I have not had direct dealings with the mortal kings. We have eyes in the lands, but do not usually have direct contact, which makes it all the more interesting that you are here,” she answered. They could see the city entrance ahead, and she paused. “Rather than go to the city and have my presence immediately reported, may I suggest we go tomy home? I assure you the drinks are just as woe-forgetting.”
Callan glanced at Finn and Sloan, who had remained quiet, letting him deal with the nobility as they always did. “I suppose that would be acceptable,” he said cautiously.
“Delightful.” And before he could say anything further, she took him by the arm, barely giving Finn and Sloan enough time to lunge for him before they were all pulled through the very air.
Chapter 16
They were in the training courtyard on a bench along the entrance. Sorin was sitting with his legs stretched out before him, his ankles crossed. She was on her back, stretched along the bench, her head resting against his thigh, staring up at the sky. When he had stepped through the portal last night and set her down, she had silently walked to the dressing room, changed into a nightgown, and crawled into bed. After a moment, she heard him shuffle to the bathing room, and a while later, the bed shifted. Neither of them spoke. She tossed and turned, unable to sleep. After nearly an hour, Sorin silently got up and walked to his bookshelf, came back to the bed, ignited a soft flame, and read to her. She had no idea how long he had read, likely an hour or two, before she’d finally fallen asleep.
He let her sleep in this morning. She did not even feel him get out of bed. When she did finally wake, she did not go down to breakfast with the others. Camilla had come to clean their room, and she had sent her away, nestling down in the blankets. Her shadows seemed to overtake her.
Then Sorin had returned to the room.
“Up,” he demanded, throwing open the curtains.
“You don’t give me orders,” she had growled, pulling the covers over her head.
He had proceeded to pull the blankets off the bed. All of them. “Up.”
She threw him a vulgar gesture.
He had sauntered to the side of the bed, his hands in his pockets. He’d leaned over her and smiled. She knew that smile. That smile meant hell awaited her in training. That smile meant he was going to kick her ass by either making her run until she puked or make her actually try in weapons training. “Up, Princess. We leave for the courtyard in ten minutes. You can either get into training clothes, or you can go in that.” He gave a pointed look at her nightgown.
True to his word, ten minutes later he brought them here. He’d walked straight to this bench and sat. She had narrowed her eyes at him, followed him to the bench, and here they were.
“If we are just going to sit here all damn day, I could have stayed in bed,” she grumbled to him, toying with her shadows at her fingertips.
“I cannot decide,” he said through his teeth, “whether to discuss my Second, who got drunk off his ass after bringing up Thia last night, or to ask when you were going to tell me godsdamned Mikale made contact with you again.” His golden eyes were flame, and Scarlett sat up, swiveling to face him.
“You are upset with me?”
“Why did you not tell me of Mikale?”
“You were busy, Sorin,” she sighed. “I wanted you to enjoy the feast, your people. You’ve sacrificed so much for them.”
“I am never too busy for you,” he said, the flames banking in his golden eyes as they searched hers.
“You are a prince with responsibilities. I get that. I’ve lived with that for the last two years.”
“I am not him. It is not fair of you to compare us. Our lives are very different. Our responsibilities are very different.”