Page 7 of Lady of Shadows
Rayner disappeared into smoke and ashes, and Cyrus stalked off, cussing under his breath. Eliza fell into step beside their company once more.
“Do the shadows still follow her?” Callan asked, as they descended the step.
The male’s jaw clenched. “Yes. We are working on that.”
“Who are you? I thought Cyrus was his Second.”
“He is.”
“And Rayner is his Third.”
They had come to the bridge and stopped beside it. “Then who are you to be allowed in, and they are not?”
A smile pulled at the corner of the male’s mouth, and Callan had the distinct feeling that this male found mischief and roguery amusing. Eliza had already started across the bridge. “I am Briar Drayce,” he said, motioning them to begin crossing. “Prince of the Water Court, and I will warn you only once, mortal prince: Should you cross these bridges again without permission, you will find Sorin’s Inner Court not nearly as pleasant about it.”
“They weren’t exactly pleasant today,” Callan replied, stepping onto the bridge.
“Indeed,” was all Briar said before he turned and headed down a hallway.
They reached the other side of the bridge to find Eliza waiting for them. “Come,” was all she said, and she started off towards the stairs. Callan looked to Finn and Sloan, who only shrugged, so they followed her.
She led them down to a subterranean level of the palace and then down several hallways until they had to be at the back of the palace. As she turned down yet another hall, the sound of weapons clanging and men grunting grew louder, and they finally came to a stop in front of a large room.
It was a training room. Various rings were full of males and females sparring with all sorts of weapons.
“What are we doing here?” Callan asked.
“Your two guards look ready to kill someone,” Eliza said with a knowing look. “You all need to work off some aggression.” She signaled one of the males to come over. “Go train,” she said with a jerk of her chin to Finn and Sloan. They indeed looked relieved to have something to do. “Teach them a few things,” she said to the soldier, “but don’t kill them. They’re mortals.”
“Yes, General,” the soldier said and jerked his chin at them. Finn and Sloan began to follow.
“You do not spar?” Callan asked Eliza as she turned to leave.
“Do you wish to spar with me?” she asked, raising a brow.
“No,” he replied quickly.
“Wise answer,” was all she said before she turned and walked back the way they had come.
Callan watched her go, then entered the training room. Someone put a sword in his hand, and he stepped into a ring with Finn.
Chapter 3
Scarlett woke in a large bedroom chamber. She’d been here before, but she had no idea if that had been a dream or real. She glanced to the foot of the bed, half expecting to see the panther there. She wore no clothing, and the sheets were soft and luxurious against her bare skin. She slowly looked around the room, taking it in. The room was warm. There was a fire crackling in the hearth with two overstuffed chairs flanking it. Two bookshelves that reached nearly to the high ceiling, crammed with books, stood to either side of the fireplace. To the right of the massive bed there was a desk that was neatly organized. A chaise lounge sat near a window to the right of the fireplace under some windows. To the left of the fireplace was a great set of double doors leading out to a balcony.
Scarlett rose from the bed and grabbed a blanket from one of the overstuffed chairs. The scents of cedar and ash enveloped her as the shadows curled around her arms. She wrapped the blanket around her naked body and went to the doors. With a push, they opened and she stepped out onto the balcony. The view was breathtaking. They were high in the mountains. Snow-capped peaks filled her vision for miles. Trees spanned the mountainsides, and though itwas obviously cold outside, the balcony was as warm as the interior of the room.
Scarlett walked to the balcony railing and looked over. She was in some sort of castle or palace or tower, high above the ground. Her breath hitched as it brought back another room high above the ground where she had been locked away. Her shadows stroked soothingly down her arms. She forced herself to breathe in and out. In and out. That was over. That had been real, right? Sorin had come for her.
Or was that the dream?
Scarlett turned and went back inside, closing the doors behind her. She passed a room that clearly led to a bathing chamber of some sort. Next to it was another doorway that led to a walk-in closet that rivaled her own back at the Tyndell Manor. In fact, it was larger than her own, but only half full. She ran her hand along the various tunics and shirts that hung in the closet, the same familiar scent clinging to them. A large oak dresser stood on the opposite wall. An assortment of daggers lay scattered across it, and there were swords discarded nearby on the floor. All of them had the same black metal blades that Sorin’s weapons had been adorned with.
Scarlett turned back to the clothing and pulled down a deep red button-up shirt. It was huge on her, hanging down nearly to her knees. She buttoned it except for the top button, discarding the blanket onto the floor. She found a belt among the daggers and cinched it around her waist, adding one of the daggers to it. As she turned to leave the closet, she noticed the full-length mirror in the corner and froze.