Page 1 of Pucking Stepbrother
Chapter one
“Let me suck it,” her voice quivers as she gazes back at me through tear-stained hazel eyes. The mascara streaks draw pretty little patterns down her cheeks and make her look like the cheap slut she is. Her platinum blond hair sits on top of her head in a messy bun, and her ass cheek has turned a beautiful shade of pink from my palm.
I’ve been pounding her perky ass for the past half hour, and my dick is raw from the friction, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t blow my load. Pulling out, I shove my cock back into my boxers and zip up my jeans. Frustration beading on my temples, I stare down at the curve of her back and wonder if I’ll ever not be fucked up.
Deep in the hollow of my blackened and damaged soul, I know I’m being a giant prick. I know I don’t need to be this much of an asshole to those that care for me, but when you’ve had a childhood like mine, there is no other way to react than push the ones that care the most the furthest away from you. This waythey can’t hurt you any more than you’re already willing to hurt yourself.
“I’m fucking done. You can’t even make me cum anymore.” I watch her pull her bright pink dress down over her ass as she adjusts herself and turns to stare up at me, still kneeling on my bed.
“Why are you like this?” She looks like she’s about to cry, pouting up at me through her long fake eyelashes, and folding her arms over her chest. Her lipstick is smeared across her face from earlier when I had my hand over her mouth to shut her up. She always talks too much while I fuck her, and it gets on my nerves.
“Why are you like this?” I repeat in the same whiny voice.
“Fuck you, Nate.” She pushes at my chest before climbing off the bed and gathering her shit off my bedroom floor. I didn’t even bother to take my shoes off to fuck her, let alone my clothing, I rarely do these days. I usually just use her mouth so I can close my eyes and pretend it’s some hot guy sucking me off. It’s also a sure way of making her stop talking.
Standing back, I watch her scurry across my room to grab her bag. Calling this a bedroom is an understatement. It’s more like an apartment tucked away upstairs from the rest of the house. The best place to hide your delinquent kid away from your perfect little world and from the party guests gathered downstairs for my stepmom’s extravagant dinner parties.
The noise from the obnoxious party echoes upstairs. Every couple of months my stepmom and dad host their preppy gatherings for all their stuck-up friends, and every time without fail, I’m ordered to stay upstairs and out of sight. This has been the way since I can remember. I’m the troublemaker kid they’re embarrassed by who wears ripped black jeans, combat boots, and vintage rock band t-shirts. I’m covered in ink that snakes around my arms, neck, and legs, and piercings that make peoplestare. I don’t fit into their preppy polo shirt and boat shoe-wearing aesthetic and I sure as fuck never want to.
We live in a gated community decorated with manicured lawns, pool houses, and mansions bigger than the local mall. It’s excessive, pretentious and filled with members of the mafia, ruthless lawyers and corrupt cops which has made breaking the law a whole fuck load easier. I’ve managed to dodge juvie thanks to our neighbor, the most ruthless criminal lawyer on the East Coast. He has saved my ass more times than I can count. I’m sure my stepmom has paid him in favors that I don’t want to think about.
And here I am telling his precious daughter she’s useless after failing to make me blow in her ass. If only daddy dearest knew what kind of daughter he really has. I grab the joint from my desk and light it as Charlotte shoves her feet into her sky-high stripper shoes. I don’t fucking get why girls think guys like them dressing like this. All guy’s care about are their holes and how easily they give them up.
We both pause when we hear a choked scream vibrate through the air. I drop the joint on the desk and run for the door, nearly knocking Charlotte over as I thunder past her. Throwing the door open, it hits the wall with a loud crack, the sound splintering through the air and drowning out the partying guests downstairs. I storm down the hall toward the media room, my heart beating violently in my chest, and my vision blurs as my rage swirls through me like a tornado. I know what’s happening. I know what that scream means. The sick and twisted fucker will never have full use of his limbs after I’m through with him.
“Nate. Nate, stop!” Charlotte screams after me. She knows what I’m capable of once I’m overcome with rage. She’s seen me at my worst before and knows I hold no remorse for vile predators.
Ignoring her screams, I burst through the door to see the fucking prick we call our uncle hovering over my little sister, Ebony. The sheer terror in her eyes and the way she’s clasping his wrists makes me murderous. Her eyes connect with mine, and only then does she let her tears fall. I storm across the room and watch him as he realizes he’s been caught. He lets go of her trembling body and turns around to be met with my closed fist.
Everything goes silent like my world has turned off, and the only noise I can hear is the raging whoosh in my head. I’m blinded by the surge of adrenaline coursing through me. I don’t hear the shrieks from my sister or from Charlotte. I don’t notice the pain in my hands as I pummel the piece of shit’s face into oblivion. I never feel the satisfying crunch of bones breaking under my brutal touch or when arms wrap around me and haul me off him.
Only when my father’s voice rings in my ears do I come to. “Nate. Nate, control yourself, boy,” my father shouts as he grips me in his bear-like hold.
My senses return, and I hear sobs of anguish and relief as my gaze connects with my little sisters. Her mom holds onto her tightly and tries to soothe her, but I know better than to believe her act of pretending she gives a shit about anyone but herself. My stepmom never protected me from my uncle, and I know she would never protect Ebony from him either. My gaze roams over her to check if he managed to do anything sinister. Her party dress is covered in blood splatters, and that’s enough for me to attempt getting out of my father’s grip.
“I’m going to fucking kill him!” I roar as I struggle against my father.
“Calm the fuck down,” my father shouts in my face.
I only stop moving when my little sister starts to howl uncontrollably. The stab of pain that shoots through me splinters my heart, and I want to hold her and let her know I’llnever let another monster near her. I’ll never let our uncle do the things to her that he used to do to me until I was big enough to fight him off.
Scanning the room, I spot Charlotte’s father holding her against him in a protective hug. Her red-rimmed eyes regard me with understanding and realization. The last thing I want from her is a fucking pity party. Her father, the notorious criminal lawyer, stands in disbelief as he finally has a front-row seat to the very thing he has kept me out of juvie for. I feel his hard and unyielding scrutiny like a heavy weight on my shoulders. I wonder if this is the moment he’ll turn on me; throw the book at me and get me locked up.
“Get her out of here.” My father’s voice vibrates against me as he orders my stepmom to get my little sister out of the room.
My eyes dance between my stepmom and Ebony as they both stand there frozen, staring at me. My little sister trembling: her eyes pleading with me to save her, even after the scene she has just witnessed.
I glance down in front of me, where the fucker lies in a pool of crimson. His face unrecognizable, swollen and covered in blood. His hand rests mutilated beside his motionless body, and I inwardly smile at the thought of his long recovery. I have no fucking clue what happened when I blacked out, but I’m satisfied this fucker will be in the hospital for a while. It will be a fucking long time before he manages to get his hands on anyone again. I can see the shallow rise and fall of his chest, and I wish he’d take his last breath with all of us as witness.
“Get out!” My stepmom screams at me. “Get the fuck out of my house!”
I stare at her in disbelief.
“Grab your things and leave, son.” My father’s grip loosens as he pats me on the chest extra hard and turns me toward the door.
I can’t fucking believe this is happening. I turn around and look down at the monster on the ground and then at my little sister. “I’ll be back to make sure this fucker doesn’t come near you again. Remember, you can call me at any hour, and I’ll come back for you. As for you.” I point at my stepmom. “If I hear you allow this sick fucker anywhere near her, you’ll have me to answer to.”