Page 27 of Rule Breaker
I searched my backpack for my ear pods, shoved them in, and opened my writing software. I started dictating, but it took getting used to. The software didn’t catch all my words, and some weren’t correct, but I could go back later and edit. Still, it was much easier for me to express my thoughts this way. I didn’t have to stare at a blank screen for ages.
I was already two paragraphs in when Maddox stopped typing, and turned to me.
“Okay, let me see what you’ve got.”
We switched, but I had a difficult time reading Maddox’s text.
“I’m going to scan this into my app, if that’s okay?”
“Do it,” Maddox replied.
Once I scanned it, I started reading. And, man, his essay was good. Not good, incredible. He sounded like our teacher. My essay was so simple in comparison. Too simple. Oh God, this was embarrassing. The study session was my idea, and it was turning out to be a bad one. Now Maddox would know just how dumb I really was.
Suddenly,Iwas the one who wanted to be left alone.
“I’m not feeling good,” I muttered. “I have to go.”
Maddox silently handed over my tablet, and I shoved it in my bag, not making eye contact. The sooner I got out of here, the better.
Once I was out the door, I hauled ass for the elevator.
I looked over my shoulder, but Maddox hadn’t followed me. Good. What a relief. He didn’t want to be around me, anyway. He was probably thankful I left. And it made me wonder why he’d said yes to helping me in the first place. I was teasing him yesterday. I didn’t think he’d actually go through with it.
Maybe this was all a joke to him? MaybeIwas the joke.
My stomach clenched tight as I headed out of the library and back to my dorm.
Forget about Maddox. Forget about trying to be his friend.Ignore him. Like he wanted you to.
Why did I feel this intense need to be around him, anyway? What was going on with me?
Hours later, as I lay on my bed, alone, listening to music, I replayed every moment since we’d met. And the answers I was searching for? The ones about why I was so determined to figure out Maddox?
They never came.
Ihadn't heard from—or seen—Kayden for days. I should be ecstatic, grateful, so fucking relieved that the guy was no longer hounding me. There were no annoying text messages or sudden pop-ups at the gym. I had time to myself. Alone. It was perfect, great. Sort of.
Sunday was still bothering me. The way Kayden suddenly up and left the library, out of nowhere. I didn’t know what was wrong, but it was something. I hadn't been my usual pissy self. But that wouldn't have deterred Kayden anyway.
So, what had happened? Why did he take off like that?
Kayden shouldn't have been preoccupying any of my thoughts, but he was. And I didn't like it. I didn't angst over other people and their problems. Selfish bastard 101; I worry about myself and that’s pretty much it. That, and hockey.
And now I was nervous as hell going into our next practice. Me.
Fuck it.
I wanted Kayden to get lost, and he did. Why should I care how it happened, only that it did?
Don’t go asking for trouble.
I headed for the locker room and got into my gear. I’d arrived a half hour early so I wouldn’t chance meeting anyone else. But Dane was already here, and Jace too. I nodded at them, and they gave me a wide berth.
No sign of Kayden yet. Not that I was looking for him or anything.